Hi all,
I have a 2007 Australian built, Procam Flatbed Router. It has worked flawlessly until recently. It has an M400 Centroid control that is starting to have computer hardware issues.
I have made the investment to do the legacy upgrade to CNC12.
The old PLC was put onto the CNC12 computer.

The issue is that I can not home the router to the Hard Stops. The router does not have limit switches, only hard stops.
When the cycle start button is pressed, the z brake is released and the z tries to go +. It gets to the top of travel and I get a 441 Z axis(3) full power without motion.

Machine home at powerup : Home Switch.
Parms 187 is set to 7000 as per the cnc10 controller.

Is there something else that I am missing between the CNC10 Parameters and the CNC12 Parameters?
The CNC10 is still working and functional for today at least.

Any help would be much appreciated.