OK... I'm running into a problem here.... This control and machine are so old that nobody seems to really know anything about it, regardless of the CAM vendor. So, I have to ask a question here...

Most of the time, controls pretty much emulate one another. My question is simple. Does the Meldas M3 behave like a Fanuc control? Does it behave like an Meldas 500 control, which seems a bit more common? Basically, what I want to know is what control does the m3 *most* look like, and what are the deviations from that control? I am not an expert on CAM software, so this part of the nut is really cracking my, well, you know. I don't want to crash my machine. My totally uneducated guess is that I want to start with a similar control and then I need to refine it with the specifics of the machine (so, 4 axis, the limits of the axis, etc). Is that right? I'm starting to think that something like PostHaste might be a decent way of solving this problem. It looks like it will take a fairly common output and 'convert' it to something specific for your particular machine.

For those wondering what I'm trying to target, it is a Dyna Mechtronics DynaMyte DM4400m CNC mill.