I am having trouble with the auto tool setter that is posted on youtube and would like to know what I am doing wrong. I have searched all over the WWW to no avail. I am using the macro below and it does not input the correct tool length. I believe it is because the macro needs to know how tall my tool setter is but I do not know where to include that information in the macro. The rest of the macro works fine but the lengths are wrong. My "Z" axis cuts are all over the place. I also don't know if I need to use tool length comp or not. I have an ER20 collet so I do not have repeatable lengths. THe master tool doesn't seem to help but I may be doing that wrong also.

Can someone help me?

function m6()

local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()

--change lines here to either auto rapid, or manually jog to a tool change position
--Manual Lines. Uncomment line below to allow you to manually jog to a tool change position.
--local MyChoice = wx.wxMessageBox("Click OK, \nThen Jog to A Safe Tool Change Position,\nInsert New tool,\nThen Click Cycle Start.","Click OK to continue" , 16)
--Auto Lines. Uncomment both lines below (and comment out local MyChoice line above) to automatically move to tool change position.
--Edit to include the machine coordinate values of that tool change position.

--mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, "G53 G0 Z0\nG53 G0 X14.7148 Y-22.713")--Move the Z to Home.Then to the X, Y Coords for our touch pad.
--mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, 'Now in Tool Change Position. Hit Cycle Start!')
local posmode = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(inst, mc.SV_MOD_GROUP_3) --get the current mode so we can return to it when macro ends
local selectedtool = mc.mcToolGetSelected(inst)
local currenttool = mc.mcToolGetCurrent(inst)

if selectedtool == currenttool then
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Current tool == Selected tool so there is nothing to do")
mc.mcCntlToolChangeManual(inst, true);
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Current tool == " .. tostring(selectedtool) .. " Previous Tool == " .. tostring(currenttool))
mc.mcToolSetCurrent(inst, selectedtool)

local MyChoice = wx.wxMessageBox("Click Ok to Begin Probing the New Tool","Click OK to continue" , 16)
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Probing in Progress!")
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, " G91 G31 Z-5. F5.")--probe the new tool
local probedz = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(inst, mc.SV_PROBE_POS_Z) -- Z Probe position in Machine coords
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecute(inst, string.format('G ' .. posmode))--return to pre macro mode G90, or G91
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst, "G00 G53 Z0 ")--Retract

local NewOffset = probedz
mc.mcToolSetData(inst, mc.MTOOL_MILL_HEIGHT, selectedtool, NewOffset)
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, string.format("Auto tool setting complete, Offset = %.4f", NewOffset))
wx.wxMessageBox("Toolchange Complete.\nTLO Set")


if (mc.mcInEditor() == 1) then