I've got a cnc lathe that doesn't want to work with the regular G84/G88 for tapping. Instead it requires G84.2/G88.2.

Does anyone know how to fix so that the postprocessor adds the ".2"?

Here is the code for the tapping:

case "tapping":
if (gPlaneModal.getCurrent() == 19) { // radial
if (tool.type == TOOL_TAP_LEFT_HAND) {
gCycleTapping = 196;
} else {
gCycleTapping = 88;
} else { // axial
if (tool.type == TOOL_TAP_LEFT_HAND) {
gCycleTapping = machineState.axialCenterDrilling ? 184 : 186;
} else {
gCycleTapping = machineState.axialCenterDrilling ? 84 : 84;