I make windows for historic properties. We're gradually moving to CNC machining all parts.

I have one simple operation of milling a series of lines (actually coping boards) from X0 to X12 with anywhere from 1 to 12 cuts at various Y coordinates (think cutting rungs on a ladder) the depth is constant so the only thing that varies is the Y position the cut begins. I'll be doing this operation very frequently.
Since the only variable is the Y, I calculated the values in excel and pasted them into the G-code into the appropriate lines with a text editor. Congruently, I have a fairly robust database, MS Access, that generates all my cut lists based on the window height and width.

It occurs to me that I should somehow be able to generate the generic g-code in V-carve, save the NC file in Access, have Access prompt me for the the values I need and have it modify the code like a mail merge, then save the file again for use on my machine.

Does anyone have experience with using a database program to, not necessarily generate the G-code but at least, modify code that's stored in DB files or records?
