Hey Everyone,
I know this has likely been posted 100x before but looking for some specific guidance on my build. I have build a G0704 with a stepper setup, but I’m now looking to convert a larger mill with Clear Path servos. From my understanding, you DON’T need separate servo drives for these as the drive is “built in” to the Teknic motor. Is that correct?
Current build plan:
Double Ball screws. TBD on pitch
Keeping the gibs/ways, not upgrading to linear rails.
Weight balanced vertical column
X and Y: 698/209 oz.in Nema 34’s. Belt driven: TBD Ratio
Z: 922/276 oz.in Nem 34. Belt Driven: TBD Ratio
Target rapid speeds: 100 IPM
Target machining speeds 30 IPM
Do I need servo drives for the Teknic's? Or is that build in and I just go straight to the BOB?
What is a good pitch on the ball screws to achieve the rapids I’m looking for?
What is a good pulley ratio to achieve the rapids an power I’m looking for?
Are my motors undersized?
Where I am stumped is the BOB/SS. I see too many options on Automation Technologies website to make sense of it…
My goal:
Spindle control (VFD driving 3 phase motor)
3 Axis movement
Limit switches on 3 axes (soft limits on the other end or travel range)
Tool setter
USB / Ethernet connectivity
What is my best option to achieve what I am looking to do?