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  1. #1

    Takisawa TC-1 Help please

    I have a TC-1 that has recently been moved to a new location and now has a “Not Ready” fault. I have checked the e-stops and hard limit switches which are all ok however I only have 24v to the 2 +’ve limit switches.
    I have traced these back to the relay board on the door but the lose where they go (wiring diagram has been lost) however I have no relays active. I have checked these and do have 24v to relay CRRDY but it is not energised, relay has been changed and confirmed working. Any suggestions please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Takisawa TC-1 Help please

    did the signal X21.4 is 1 in diagnostic screen?

  3. #3

    Re: Takisawa TC-1 Help please

    The x21.4 in diagnostic is 0

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Takisawa TC-1 Help please

    that means you are in emergency still and you need to check the safety circuit
    The x21.4 must be 1 if the 24v DC that comes from all the EMG buttons and the limit switches from hard over travel
    The 24v signal from EMG is a series circuit and contains all these switches.
    If any of these siwtches do not have 24v dc on it when measure,the X21.4 will be 0
    Good luck

  5. #5

    Re: Takisawa TC-1 Help please

    Found the issues, had lost a load of the parameter’s. Once I reloaded these we were all good again

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