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whne you select the automatic mode you have to check the following:
-in pmc-status screen check if the adress G43.0->1 G43.1->0 and G43.2-> 0
-when you push the cycle start button the adress G7.2->1 or 0 while you press it more times
--check the hold signal in the adress G8.5 MUST BE 1
--check the feedrate on adress G12-If all bits are 0 that means the feedrate is 0
-check the dry run signal in adress G46.7 if it is 1 or 0
-check the interlock signals on axis on adress G8.0 must be 1
-check interlock for each axis on adress G130 .0,G130.1,G130.2,G130.3,G130.4-must be one each bit
Check these and come back with feedback