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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Fanuc > Tool Offset in Position Display parameter 0m-a?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Tool Offset in Position Display parameter 0m-a?

    I'm starting to use tool length compensation and my position display, regardless of absolute/relative, doesn't take into account the tool length.

    for example:

    G43 H01 G92 Z0.0 (zero position set at end of tool NOT base of spindle)
    position displays offset H01 for example 87.00 mm

    Z0. (spindle doesn't move as it is at Z0.0)
    Z20. (spindle moves up 20mm and position reads 107.00mm)

    I did a search on this and so far the suggested parameters haven't solved my issue.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    what you've done is read the tool length offset then set the current position to Z0. that's not right.
    remove the G92 on that line. it should be G43 H01 Z0
    this means 'read tool length offset H01 and rapid to Z0 position'
    Depending on where your Z0 is set you may want to rapid to something like Z10.0 or Z100.0

    Here's an example program from the 0M manual....

    Offset value +200.0 is set in offset No.11, +190.0 is set in offset No.15, and +150.0 is set in offset No.31
    Program example
    N001 G92 X0 Y0 Z500.0 (Coordinate setting at reference position)
    N002 G90 G00 Z250.0 T11 M6 (Tool change)
    N003 G43 Z0 H11 (Initial level, tool length offset)
    N004 S30 M3 (Spindle start)
    N005 G99 G81 X400.0 R Y–350.0 Z–153.0R–97.0 F120 (Positioning, then #1 drilling)
    N006 Y–550.0 (Positioning, then #2 drilling and point R level return)
    N007 G98 Y–750.0 (Positioning, then #3 drilling and initial level return)
    N008 G99 X1200.0 (Positioning, then #4 drilling and point R level return)
    N009 Y–550.0 (Positioning, then #5 drilling and point R level return)
    N010 G98 Y–350.0 (Positioning, then #6 drilling and initial level return)
    N011 G00 X0 Y0 M5 (Reference position return, spindle stop)
    N012 G49 Z250.0 T15 M6 (Tool length offset cancel, tool change)
    N013 G43 Z0 H15 (Initial level, tool length offset)
    N014 S20 M3 (Spindle start)
    N015 G99 G82 X550.0 Y–450.0 Z–130.0 R–97.0 P300 F70 (Positioning, then #7 drilling, point R level return)
    N016 G98 Y–650.0 (Positioning, then #8 drilling, initial level return)
    N017 G99 X1050.0 (Positioning, then #9 drilling, point R level return)
    N018 G98 Y–450.0 (Positioning, then #10 drilling, initial level return)
    N019 G00 X0 Y0 M5 (Reference position return, spindle stop)
    N020 G49 Z250.0 T31 M6 (Tool length offset cancel, tool change)
    N021 G43 Z0 H31 (Initial level, tool length offset)
    N022 S10 M3 (Spindle start)
    N023 G85 G99 X800.0 Y–350.0 Z–153.0R47.0F50 (Positioning, then #11 drilling, point R level return)
    N024 G91 Y–200.0 K2 (Positioning, then #12, 13 drilling. point R level return)
    N025 G28 X0 Y0 M5 (Reference position return, spindle stop)
    N026 G49 Z500.0 ( Tool length offset cancel)
    N027 M0 (Program stop)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    thanks for the incite. now the offset being the difference in length to the first tool makes sense.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I tried removing the G92 but the display still behaves the same.
    I thought this was something to do with tool offset B, but I changed to tool offset A and the position display is still the commanded value + the offset.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    if the display is adding on the offset, there's a parameter you can set so that the display shows the commanded position only and does not include the offset. Possibly one of these....

    0001#1 In the relative coordinate display, tool length compensation is included/is not included.
    0018#5 In the absolute coordinate display, tool length compensation is included/is not included.
    0048#1 In absolute coordinate display, displayed positions are actual positions that consider cutter compensation/programmed positions that ignore cutter compensation.
    0048#2 In relative coordinate display, displayed positions are actual positions that consider cutter compensation/programmed positions that ignore cutter compensation.

  6. #6

    Re: Tool Offset in Position Display parameter 0m-a?

    For FANUC 10M, parameter 2202 #2

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