I have been trying for hours to understand how the probe button works in MACH3. I have a very simple probe script that I found online and I understand most of how it is working and it works on my machine.
For the life of me though I can't figure out how it knows that the probe pin is to be used?
I have a touch-off tool that I would like to hook to a different pin, but I need to understand how these buttons work before I can make a button for it.
Can someone possibly explain where this script gets it's info to use the probe pin and not some other pin?
Thanks for any advice on this!
FeedCurrent = GetOemDRO(818) 'Get the current settings, OEM DROs (818)=Feedrate DRO
ZCurrent = GetOemDro(802) 'OEM DROs (802)=Z DRO
GageH = 20.12 'OEMDRO(1001)=Gage Block Height
ZNew = ZCurrent - 300 'probe down 20 mm
Code "G90F100" 'slow feed rate to 100 MM/MIN
Rem Code "G4 P1" 'Pause 1 second to give time to position probe plate
Code "G31 Z" &ZNew
While IsMoving()
Call SetDro (2,GageH) 'DRO(2)=Z DRO
FinalMove = GageH + 10
Code "G0 Z" &FinalMove
Code "F" &FeedCurrent 'restore starting feed rate