Hello all,
I am novice machinist using a Tormach 1100MX with the microarc 4 attachment. As per the attached diagram, I keep my
origin aligned at center axis with the left most tip of the X axis because the microarc is position from the right facing -X. I have programmed a 2.5mm deep cut from the top face before the A axis turns 180 degrees and repeats another 2.5mm cut (to cut the segment free as the stock piece is 5mm thick). What is actually happening is the first 2.5 mm cut is made then the A axis turns 180 degrees and the second cut is at a 5mm depth instead. I am trying to figure out why the second cut goes so deep because as I don't want to destroy or otherwise ruin perfectly good parts. How do I go about making the cuts an equal 2.5mm on each side?