Hi there!! I have a CNCÈST 6040T 3 axis, 1.5 W water cooled spindle. I've had the machine for 3.5 years and have used it on and off without any problems. Today, While carving a sign on pine wood, about 10 minutes into it, I started hearing a vibration and a rattle when X axis was moving. I noticed the machine was off during the second pass in one area and everything else after that was carved out of place. When I stopped the machine the axis was about 1 cm off. When I tried to move the axis with mach 3, the X axis motor and gantry rattled but would not move to either side. The Y and Z axis worked perfect. I turned the controller off and was able to turn the X axis motor manually. I disconnected the wires to the X motor, cleaned them, reconnected them, turned mach 3 off and on again. Tried several times to move the X axis but it would just rattle and vibrate. Thinking of swapping the Y and X motors to see if I can duplicate the problem but I am not sure if swapping of the motors is an easy task and can not find any procedures for it. Out of ideas. Can someone give me some guidance please!!