
November '21
The global shortage of resources is currently confronting industry and business with major challenges. Numerous companies are struggling with the fact that they are no longer able to reliably cover their requirements for production and manufacturing materials.
Global Supply Bottlenecks

But at least the IndustryArena provides you, as always, with monthly news on time. In our newsletter we show you an interesting article about the global supply crisis. And if you are a buyer, our industry business network for suppliers and buyers ORDERMATCH could be a good alternative for your industrial needs. Because next year is not far away, there is also an article about tips for the machining industry for 2022. And of course you can find the monthly news from our forums.

Topics in this newsletter:

Is the Global Supply Chain Chaos about to get Worse?

Global Supply chain Chaos

The following article on CNBC.com describes the current supply bottleneck situation very clearly: "Covid-19 has left one very destructive economic issue in its wake: disruption to global supply chains. (...) As lockdowns have lifted, demand has rocketed. And supply chains that were disrupted during the global health crisis are still facing huge challenges and are struggling to bounce back. This has led to chaos for the manufacturers and distributors of goods who cannot produce or supply as much as they did pre-pandemic for a variety of reasons, ..."

By the way in our forum the supply chain problems are discussed as well. You´re welcome to participate.

Unanswered Forum Threads

The expert community

For CNC geeks our forum is the perfect place for exchanging ideas and tips on CNC machining. However, a few questions remain unanswered but maybe you can help other members to solve their problems?

7 forum threads of the past weeks that haven´t been answered yet:

Amada 357 Hydraulic clamps not working by orbets from Canada
Manual mikron 750/1000 tnc 426 year 1995 by davide.castro from Portugal
4th rotary questionsby dbunyip from USA
Heidenhain 426 by kraack from Denmark
Advice on a new spindle for an AvidCNC Benchtop ... by DingbatCA from USA
Okuma MB4000H by RumenR from Bulgaria
SC 15 _ Jinfa-20RBY _Swiss Lathe Schema by islamCe from Egypt

More unanswered threads you can find via the link below. And if you need help with your own projects, don´t hesitate to start a new topic in our forum.

12-Tip Plan for CNC Machining Industry in 2022

1-tip plan for CNC machining industry

On machineopedia.com we´ve found an interesting article with useful tips that may help you in benefitting your business next year. "The CNC machining industry is one of the most profiting as almost all production sectors require computer-based Numerical Machines. CNC parts have a great demand in the automotive, aerospace, healthcare, defense, and electrical sectors. (...) However, it is crucial to have a proper strategy to make your CNC industry a massive success."
  1. Develop Partner-Friendships
  2. Don't Rush To Expand! Exponential Is Detrimental
  3. Target Your Segment Of The Marketplace: 4 P's Of Marketing
  4. Diversify According To Demand ...
  5. ...

An Alternative in Times of Supply Shortages: ORDERMATCH


In times of supply shortages ORDERMATCH can be a very useful alternative for buyers and enrich their suppliers network. Register and create a RFQ for free - and find new suppliers.

CNC Videos Matching to the Highlights in November

Although November is a very dark and cold month in most countries of the members of our community, the month is full of memorable highlights. For example, Thanksgiving or Black Friday at the end of the month. And some other interesting days:

Basketball Day
November 6: US National Basketball Day

World Science Day November 10: World Science Day
Heavy Metal Day
November 11: Heavy Metal Day

November 25: Thanksgiving in the USA
If you have created or found some exciting CNC videos related to the highlights of November or other topics, we would be happy if you could share them with the community in our forum!

Used Machinery Marketplace

Are you looking for a used machine? Take a look at our used machinery market, no matter if you need one for hobby or professional. Filter among more than 23,000 products by machine type, operating hours or price to find the machine you are searching for, quickly and precisely.

Take a look at these two machines for example:
Embroidery machine HO-CHUN UH - 1000A
Embroidery machine HO-CHUN UH - 1000A
Brother HO-CHUN
Sewing machines Milling machines

Our Top Forum Threads

The expert community

Would you like to know which topics have been most interesting for the community over the past four weeks?

Here are our 7 most viewed forum threads of the last weeks

New Path Pilot, New PC, Missing Some Letters/Text ... 720 views
milling supper thin material. 632 views
Alarms on my Leadwell MCV OP 597 views
Can't cut accurate circles - Any Ideas what to try next? 568 views
Cheap vs expensive collets and nuts for aluminum ... 557 views
Man, am I the only one that wants a highly accurate ... 522 views
So I bought a unused/used "buildyourcnc" 460 views

You want to get more involved within the community? We are always looking for forum moderators and professional geeks in CNC & manufacturing techniques. If you would like to become a moderator at IndustryArena and CNCzone, please get in touch with us.

Our Top Forum Posters of the Month

And at the end of our newsletter you'll now find our three top forum posters of last month.

Here are the most active posters in October:

114 posts
125 posts
74 posts

We are happy to see a woman on the podium again. JayneV has reached 3rd place with 74 posts. Thanks a lot to our entire community for sharing ideas and solving problems in recent weeks.

Advertise with IndustryArena

Please, don't hesitate to contact us for more detailed information about our services.

Further information
Find out more about online advertising opportunities, products and services with IndustryArena.com
or CNCzone.com.

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