
February 2019
Dear members,

the manufacturing industry is a very busy one, one highlight after the other. Major trade fairs, above all EMO Hannover, are still on the agenda this year. Therefore we would like to use this moment to breathe a sigh of relief and calm down.

Today we present you, apart from our Top Forum Threads and Unanswered Forum Threads, another awesome Video in the CNCzone. Also we would like you to take your chance on a 5% discount for the 7th GETPRO – International Conference in Würzburg, Germany.

Yours CNCzone Team

Top Forum Threads

It is curious to see so many fluctuations amongst individual threads within the same forum. Some are well visited but barely recieved replies, where other threads have less views but have way more replies. This shows how different each topic can be. Just check it out for yourself and join the dicsussion in the General Laser Engraving / Cutting Machine Discussion forum.

Here are our Top 10 Forum Threads about the General Laser Engraving / Cutting Machine Discussion

You want to discuss actively with the community and use your knowledge to help other users? Feel free to put your knowledge to the test and help the community to solve various issues.



Register now for one of the most important international trade meetings for the production of gears and drivetrains worldwide. More than 300 leading experts and 35 exhibitors from industry and research come together at this event to exchange knowledge and experience. GETPRO is organized by the German Research Association for Drive Technology (Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e. V. – FVA), the worldwide leading drive technology network. Become part of this unique international community.

Unanswered Forum Threads

Let us unite and merge our wisdom. Help the community with this month's...

10 Forum Threads that have never been answered

If you know the answer feel free to help out these fellows by answering their questions.

Videos in the CNCzone

Together with the music this video is so mesmerizing and relaxing.

Cutting foam with a hotwire
Right now I am not sure what is more satisfying. Is it to see the finished result or to watch the hotwire go through the foam like through butter?

Create your own videos and share your experience with the community. Maybe your video gets featured in this monthly newsletter next time.

Become part of our Community!

To make this newsletter a success, we need your help! Become a contributor, send your ideas and articles, or just feedback to our CNCzone Support Desk.

You want to get more involved within the community? We are always looking for moderators and dedicated professional geeks in CNC & manufacturing technics.

Advertise with CNCzone

Please, don't hesitate to contact us, if you need detailed information about our services.
contact Kyle Wennick - Sales Manager
[email protected]
+1(773) 796-4250 ext. 225
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