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Messe Erfurt


Messe Erfurt GmbH
Gothaer Straße 34
99094 Erfurt
+49 361 400-1730
+49 361 400-1111

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About us

Combining practice and theory easily

The Rapid.Tech is one of the most important events in the field of generative manufacturing methods. It has been providing information about the status and development of Rapid Prototyping and above all about the direct production of end products by dint of Additive Manufacturing.

Moreover, the Rapid.Tech offers developer, researcher, constructing engineers and user the possibility to exchange innovative ideas. Qualified and informative lectures combined with expert discussions between visitor and exhibitor affords the participants a successful total package.

The next Rapid.Tech 2014 will also communicate, further develop and spread this important topic to almost all sectors. In the process the organisers are in turn relying on the modified concept with more detailed and sector information for potential users.

Rapid.Tech is the right framework for exchanging knowledge on the possibilities and current developments in manufacturing technology and for detecting trends early.

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