Hi everyone,

I know this general topic has been covered lots and I've read through all relevant posts I could find but couldn't find an answer. I've just bought myself a cheap oscilloscope (Hantek 6002BE) to help tune up the PID setting on my Gecko 320x drives. I can't seem to get some of the servos to sound nice and steady tuning by ear. I've never used an oscilloscope before so its a bit of a steep learning curve but I'm slowly getting my head around it all.

I can't seem to get a good reading that shows the bump and oscillations after a change in motor direction. The graph responds but only slightly, no hump in the response that moves across the screen. I've followed two separate tutorials, one with a second probe on the direction input as a trigger (https://www.cnccookbook.com/servo-tuning/), one without (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo-wXcsIgzQ). Neither are giving me a useful display graph. I've played around with vertical and horizontal units. I'm wondering if I've gone and bought a oscilloscope that's not up to the task? I should probably note I'm just using the controller jog command to change direction which means the servo stops briefly before changing direction.

I'll upload some images to show what I'm getting on the screen tomorrow when I'm back on site and will create a g-code for direction changes so I'm not relying on jogging.

Any advice would be very much appreciated.
