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Type: Posts; User: rccars4sal

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  1. 2 coppies of mach3, only the demo works

    So, I recently unalived my cnc computer. I do have a laptop as a backup. The laptop has my registered copy of mach3, and a demo copy. Only the demo works. I still have not finished setting up the...
  2. Replies

    help with pocket milling wizard

    Hello all. I have a licensed copy of mach 3 with the wizards ad on. Im trying to generate a rectangular pocket with a round bottom. So, I want a pocket .7" wide, by 6.7" long, and .3" deep with a...
  3. Im a bit concerned about bagging up the steppers....

    Im a bit concerned about bagging up the steppers. On my router, the motors get pretty warm, mildly hot when being used. I am also considering using the hybrid closed loop steppers with encoders as...
  4. How to protect stepper motors from flood coolant? g0704 conversion

    Hello. Im in the process of building a g0704 cnc conversion. I plan to cut aluminum mostly with this. I would like to use a good amount of flood coolant so the parts can be ve very well finished. Im...
  5. Replies

    G0704 bf20 way oiler system

    Hi all. Im looking for pictures and information regarding a way oiler system for a g0704 or bf20 mill. Im not looking to buy the 50 dollar info pack that is available. If anybody has pictures and...
  6. Re: Just starting to use g68 g69 now need help with WCS x0.y0.

    As in the pictures below,I would like to be able to really make the most of a sheet of carbon fiber. I figure my waste material is about 20-25% right now if Im lucky. Would like to reduce that to...
  7. Just starting to use g68 g69 now need help with WCS x0.y0.

    Hi folks. I have been cutting simple 2d parts for a while now, and am now trying to make it easier to organize parts on a sheet of material. I just discovered g68 and g69 for rotating the code file...
  8. Replies

    Re: v21 on win10 keeps crashing

    Thanks for the input. I will see about running another OS on this computer. Unfortunately, its all I have. Actually my cnc computer is a win7 tower, but its in the garage, and I like to do cad work...
  9. Replies

    v21 on win10 keeps crashing

    Very consistently when I try to use the parallel line function with small increments bobcad will crash. Here lately it has begun crashing if I try to make a parallel line at 1.5mm. I had been making...
  10. Need to convert .txt to .dfx gcode back to cad

    Hi all. I had a good working program but win10 deleted it, and its too late to recover. I need a program to convert .txt back to a .dfx file. I specify .txt to .dfx, because I downloaded something to...
  11. Re: trim extend button on tool bar disappeared v21

    I paid for a license on this version when I bought my gecko controller,,,, so probably not going to spend more, unless I can upgrade for cheap?
  12. Re: trim extend button on tool bar disappeared v21

    Thanks. I tried that again, and it finally worked. Some of the buttons werent hilighting when I clicked them to "add". First time I tried all I could get to "add" were seperators,, none of the...
  13. trim extend button on tool bar disappeared v21

    Hi all. I had my bobcad setup fairly well, but just a few minutes ago it freaked out. In the end, my tool bars got messed up. I had it set to display the basic trim extend button on the toolbar. So,...
  14. Replies

    Re: M98 FOR MACH3 using z offset

    Yes, thats a problem. I would prefer to raise the spindle slightly before plunging back in. Is there a way to assign a work offset in z to each of 9 passes, so that when the sub starts over, it can...
  15. Replies

    Re: M98 FOR MACH3 using z offset

    I was wondering about the step down as well. In simulation it shows the z movements in the correct places, but not a measurement of each z move. However, theg01 g91 z-.033 should take care of that?...
  16. Replies

    Re: M98 FOR MACH3 using z offset

    Final version so far. i added a couple of z moves to clear the endmill with a blast of air between cycles. I think this will work.

    Thanks Jim!

    G90 G00 X0.Y0.Z.3

    M98 P2 L9
    G90 G00 Z.3...
  17. Replies

    Re: M98 FOR MACH3 using z offset

    Jim you fixed it! I copied and pasted your revised program into a fresh notpad, and ran it,, worked fine. So, i went ahead and edited the feed rate, and it worked fine again. So, I will finish the...
  18. Replies

    Re: M98 FOR MACH3 using z offset

    Another interesting little thing. I just wrote this shorter loop to test, and it ran perfectly first time. This program should make a 1x1 square starting at x0y0 and ending there, 5 passes.

  19. Replies

    Re: M98 FOR MACH3 using z offset

    heres the current configuration of my program. I put an M30 in right before the m99, also made sure to push "enter" button after typing m99, and added the % sighn. In this configuration, it will run...
  20. Replies

    Re: M98 FOR MACH3 using z offset

    Back to making 1 pass. I added the p0001, and the o0001. So it would not generate a tool path unless I remove the m99. After removing the m99, the simulator would run 1 pass.
  21. Replies

    Re: M98 FOR MACH3 using z offset

    Ok, so I took out the g01 z0. However, I dont think thats a problem because z0. would be set at the top of the material. So, g00 x0.y0.z.3 puts the spindle at .3 above, g01 z0. puts the spindle at...
  22. Replies

    M98 FOR MACH3 using z offset

    Sorry if this is an old many times solved issue. I searched. Im trying to make 9 passes for a profile outline, with .033 z offset on each pass. I cant seem to get this to work. The f70 was just to...
  23. problems with saving drawing and changing scale

    Hi all. Im a user of bobcad v21 for a couple of years now. Its been good till recently. Sometimes, not every time, when I save a drawing, then go to re open it a few days later, the scale is all...
  24. Replies

    Re: G-Code to DXF

    Thanks for this program. I can confirm it runs on win10 laptop. Yes, some funny arcs, but its a real time saver to recover lost drawings. Can always fill in the details, and delete extras myself.
  25. Replies

    Re: G0704 Motor Pulsating All Speeds...

    It could be that the "torque" pot needs turned down inside the controller. I was playing with my g0704 controller trying to get more rpm, and if I turned the torque pot up too high, it pulsed. Check...
  26. Replies

    Sticky: Re: Welcome thread-tell us about you.

    Hello. Im Brian from CO. Currently running a cnc router using a g540. I just bought a g0704 milldrill, and a set of ball screws. Looking forward to making it CNC.
Results 1 to 26 of 26