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  1. Re: Limitations determined by spindle runout and consequent machine design

    Hi Mark - I do recommend making a prototype machine first. Design or select your "tool train" ie CAD/CAM/controllers and whatever software / hardware you will use. This is a steep learning curve in...
  2. Re: Limitations determined by spindle runout and consequent machine design

    Hi Mark - A low tolerance machine can make high tolerance parts once you understand the machine, use careful procedures and have adequate reference tools & measuring equipment. But this is a slow...
  3. Re: Advice needed for parts selection for new DIY CNC Mill

    Hi Sus - As Thomas says the coating is black oxide a rust preventative treatment. Definitely run them through some degreaser or solvent before install. For those unfamiliar with the ISO bolt...
  4. Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?

    Hi Andrew - I tried a couple of Chinese boards that turned out to be unreliable. Bought 4 boards and 3 failed! Over the last few years I have searched for a good solid single box solution as my...
  5. Re: Limitations determined by spindle runout and consequent machine design

    Hi Mark - What do you want to do with the machine? A machine with a purpose is much easier to design then a general machine. I personally would not consider a possible "upgrade" approach. This rarely...
  6. Re: Limitations determined by spindle runout and consequent machine design

    Hi Mark - Accuracy has two considerations (plus there's many more once you get into it). Repeatability and precision. If you require "precision" then point to point tolerances as you discuss are very...
  7. Replies

    Re: A Desktop CNC by David A

    Hi David - Have you looked at multicore cable? I use 12 core and 16 core and it has made runs very easy and more compact. My supplier has 4 core thru to 25 core some with earth wire. Peter
  8. Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?

    Hi Andrew - I prefer to use full boards that do not use a BOB like Knighthawk full, Knighthawk Scribe or Dynomotion type controllers. All in one board, all functions from the one supplier makes...
  9. Re: MK3 v1.2 stepper motor slowed under certain conditions

    Hi Theo - Why do you have to change the scale? You should never have to change the scale unless you are correcting the machine as its inaccurate... The scale should not affect your feed speeds, this...
  10. Replies

    Re: 14x8x14" Mill Build, Advice Appreciated

    Hi Callum - I'd look at a Dynomotion controller. It has its own thread here:

    https://www.cnczone.com/forums/dynomotion-kflop-kanalog/ Peter
  11. Re: Advice needed for parts selection for new DIY CNC Mill

    Hi Craig - There are a few threads in the forum in which machined parts especially rail foundations do not come out flat. Plus these have been done by "machinists". It is not perfectionism it is...
  12. Replies

    Re: Milli a new composite mill kit

    for those interested in concrete - Peter

  13. Re: How to convert parallel port to USB in 90's CNC machine

    Hi Walnut - Just buy a Knighthawk controller. It will run on the new computer, use wifi to run if you like, even use your phone to run the cnc. By the time you muck around trying to convert and...
  14. Re: Advice needed for parts selection for new DIY CNC Mill

    Hi Sus - The surface grinding can't correct a poor surface. If its a magnetic type the surface has to be flat to produce a "flat" on its opposite side. If the plate is pulled down on the grinder it...
  15. Replies

    Re: Yet another epoxy granite mill

    Hi Jack - Have to be careful with "short or deep" beams vs slender beams. Short beams can be shear deflection dominant and will not follow the usual slender beam formulas. If you have FE available...
  16. Replies

    Re: A Desktop CNC by David A

    Hi David - Yep Jaffas are unique Oz/NZ lollies. Ideal for rolling down the isles of movie theatres is the urban legend... Peter
  17. Replies

    Re: Yet another epoxy granite mill

    Hi Jack Jr - In my deflection tests I also use a piece of aluminium and could correctly predict the stiffness of the aluminium. Here's some shots of the set up. I used a reference beam above the...
  18. Replies

    Re: CNC CAD/CAM courses - Australia

    Hello Mukatadir - I run training when I sell a machine, usually a couple of days. I'm in Murwillumbah, Northern NSW. But if your running your machine and know the basics just create a question list...
  19. Replies

    Re: Milli a new composite mill kit

    Evening all and Sundry - I keep coming back to laminated ply and aluminium. Seems to offer many advantages. So I modelled a 100x100x12 SHS cantilevered beam and a 100mm wide beam with 6mm plating...
  20. Replies

    Re: A Desktop CNC by David A

    Hi David - Great intermission, I can go and get some Jaffas.. Peter
  21. Re: Help can anyone recommend a motor and drive to replace this one with?

    Hi Dave - A clear photo of the name plate would help. Peter
  22. Replies

    Re: desktop cnc for metal

    Hi Jan - I think you may need to add another zero to your budget. Peter

    unless you go at something like the Taig

    look at SYIL but add a zero...
  23. Replies

    Re: desktop cnc for metal

    Hi Jan - by 3-4K do you mean Rupia or USD? Peter
  24. Replies

    Re: Yet another epoxy granite mill

    Hi Thomas - I think wacking the beam is the issue. Why not just bend it by hand a bit and let it go? Peter
  25. Re: Designing a small concrete CNC machine - seeking advice on rigidity

    Hi PIO - A moonshot thought for you. But I think the reinforcement cage is an error... Peter

  26. Replies

    Re: Milli a new composite mill kit

    Evening all - Some more stuff on HP concrete. I am contemplating 3D printing a part "skin" in plastic then inserting the inserts then filling with grout as a test part. Hmmm. Peter

  27. Re: Designing a small concrete CNC machine - seeking advice on rigidity

    Hi Pio - For steel I'd call thin 3mm. I use a lot of 3mm laser cut steel. This is because its the thickest steel that is zinc plated. So I don't have to paint it. But then I also laminate it so I can...
  28. Replies

    Re: Yet another epoxy granite mill

    Hi Thomas - Now I know what you mean by high/low Ta. I like pictures... Yes your maths checks out... :) So your bar has a zeta (loss factor or damping factor ) of around 0.01 a bit to go to get to...
  29. Replies

    Re: Yet another epoxy granite mill

    Hi Thomas - The decrement should be the same, what is the voltage peaks in this image from your test? The decrement calc can be across two peaks as per decrement 1 image. Or it can be across several...
  30. Re: Trying to understand using high speed PLA filaments

    Hi BH - If the part has lots of short moves and corners then the max speed setting does not matter as the machine never reaches the higher speed. To move faster in this case you need to up the...
Results 1 to 30 of 500
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