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G-Code Programing > Variables/Macro use ????
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Variables/Macro use ????


    Hi Guys,

    I have a cheap cad cam system that works well for what I use it for on a HMC. I just use it for engraving names,eblems, logos, etc.....

    I now run a CNC lathe with a fanuc 18i-TB. X,Z, with a sub spindle.

    Is there a way to enter an equation in the front of the program that divides all C-axis moves by a number??

    For example:
    If I use the clyndrical interpolation function it uses degrees of rotation for the C-axis moves. For a 2." work piece I need to divide all the Y-axis moves (that my cad/cam produces) by .017453 to get degress of rotation on a 2." O.D for C-Axis

    I am just wondering if there is a way to use macros or variables to do this equation internally in the machine without me having to convert all the numbers manually in a spread sheet.

    I hope I am making my self clear enough for you guys to understand.
    If Im not just ask me some questions.

    thanks Jon Thee

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Hi Jon.. yeah there is.. Fanuc 18 is a great controller with some powerfull logic at hand. Use the IF and GOTO to do your calcs. The system variables and user variables used in conjunction with each other can use a simple arguement to sort this out. Dont forget that the arguement is case sensitive as to order of operations.ie. BEDMAS.. brackets,exponents,division,multiplication,etc... I guess as a novice ,Syntax will give you the most trouble. Pull out the machine programming manual and look at the custom macro section. If you want to run a G65Pxxxx Ax Bx etc.. you'd best get out a pencil and start finking... lol
    General Machinist / CNC contract Instructor

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    thanks for your help....

    Can you show me the basic format for such an equation... I have never had a use for this in the past that I am aware of. I wish my company would spend some money and send me to school to learn more features of the controller, fanuc system period!!!!

    thanks again

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