Blue Competence
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About Blue Competence

Blue Competence Partners have one common goal:
… to shape the world with technology – even on the day after tomorrow. The challenges posed by the major mega trends of our time can only be mastered with leading-edge technology and technical innovations. Globalisation, urbanisation, mobility and an ageing society are all tasks for which mechanical engineering already offers the right solutions today, both in energy and air conditioning technology, in electric mobility, water supply and waste water disposal, in facility engineering and even medicine technology. Mechanical engineering will contribute to a sustainable quality of life, also in the future.
… to achieve more with less resources. The world’s population is growing, but natural resources are not. We must economize on the existing resources to ensure that we can all live in dignity on this earth, even in the future. To achieve this, we need to increase efficiency – and for decades this has been one key competency of mechanical engineering. The extent of what can be achieved is best illustrated in the example of energy. The need for energy is rising all over the world. But this rise can be slowed down by innovative technology – by saving energy in drives, pumps, production processes.
… to take responsibility. It is mainly medium-sized companies that are active in mechanical engineering. Many of them have been in the hands of families for generations. This has translated into a social tradition, they have an ecological as well as a cultural responsibility toward the location of their company. We rely on the respectful treatment of employees and on cooperation with our global customers and suppliers based on trust.
… to be a role model. Mechanical engineering demonstrates with each new development that sustainability also increases profitability. Resource efficiency and cost efficiency are two sides of the same coin. That also holds true for other industries and other regions of the world. Blue Competence aims at demonstrating that sustainable behaviour is not only good, but useful.
Association Membership
VDMA - German Engineering Federation
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