I'm puzzled here.

I have a Mechatronics 3 axis driver board.

I have a 24V PSU (whichwith no load, outputs about 35V as measured with my Voltmeter)

I didn't want to connect it up to the driver board without putting a test load across the 24V first (to check)- so I connected up a 10K resistor - I then measured the supply voltage with my Voltmeter ....it was 24V.

Ok, so now I connect up my Mechatronics stepper driver board....at this point the voltage goes back to 35V (& this is with the 10k load resistor still in place). For the life of me I can't figure out why - anyone got a top tip or two?

(PS Not sure if it's significant...but when I connect my stepper board to the PSU, my stepper board also is connected back via a 25W ribbon cable to my laptop.