Hi guys, Im doing 3D profiling, I've found that if I raise the accel on the Y axis to 15 in/sec^2 while doing a back and forth planar cut I start to hit rigidity issues with the frame and head wiggling and my parts coming up not quite up to my spec as drawn up in CAD and CAM. This was tiresome to debug. The vibration is small enough that I couldn't see it happening but if I put my hand on the head or the y-axis servo I could feel it when the saddle reverses direction.

I've slowed accel on the axes down to X=10 Y=9 and Z=17 without much issue. I can still hit 120-130in/min speeds, but the accel just had to be slowed down to avoid getting cocked up parts.

Mind if I ask what you guys are running for acceleration settings in Mach3?