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  1. Re: Testing Basic Arduino motor wiring for new build, without breakout board

    For what it's worth, I'm that phil. I actually have 2 boards, the teensy based one referred to above and a brand new one, PicoCNC, based on the Rasp Pi. The PicoCNC board is very cost competitive...
  2. Replies

    Re: RS232 for data collect with Arduino.

    Lots of solutions out there. https://github.com/grblHAL/core
    There are a number of breakout boards for grblHAL or you can make your own.

    Also Open Builds now offers an ESP32 based all-in-one...
  3. Re: Avid Pro Rack and Pinion question - losing steps while jogging.

    Well, my screw based machine doesn't. I get Z but for X & Y, there are no opposing forces so why would they lose a couple of tenths of a MM each jog? I don't think it is so far fetched. And oddly...
  4. Avid Pro Rack and Pinion question - losing steps while jogging.

    I have an Avid Pro4848 and have it working with a new controller I am making. One problem I had was with the rack and pinion mechanism.

    If I run a GCode program, it works perfectly and returns...
  5. Replies

    Re: Arduino Based Zero Touch Pad

    You seem to have a need to prove others wrong. This is engineering, there is no wrong or right, just tradeoffs. I don't suppose they covered that in your school.

    We can debate this ad nauseum but...
  6. Replies

    Re: Arduino Based Zero Touch Pad

    A) debouncing can be done in software quite easily, even on a lowly arduino. Grbl does this quite handily.

    B) A CNC Z axis and a router lift may do the same action (move a spindle up and...
  7. Replies

    Re: Arduino Based Zero Touch Pad

    I think he is motorizing a router lift. These are designed to fit in a router table and have things like inserts and leveling screws - no need to reinvent the wheel there. I would use that but use a...
  8. Replies

    Re: Arduino Based Zero Touch Pad

    OK. Sounds like you have a plan. Note that the gear motor will have some momentum that may carry it above the contact point. Also relays don't shut off instantly.
  9. Replies

    Re: Arduino Based Zero Touch Pad

    What you want to do is pretty simple. That maker barn video you looked at is probably using a tactile switch. Easy to set up. The reason for an Arduino is that you need some sort of computer to...
  10. Replies

    Re: Plasma/ Router table

    I think you could get by just fine with belts because you are moving the torch and maybe a small THC motor - not much weight and no opposing forces.

    I don't know much about LinuxCNC but you will...
  11. Replies

    Re: Plasma/ Router table

    I think you are asking about a table that has both a router/spindle and plasma torch. I can't help thinking this is a bad idea.You will have to, at the least, swap out the router spoilboard when you...
  12. Replies

    Re: rebuilding a china machine

    I don't have a direct answer for you but you can figure out what the correct number should be by jogging a specific distance (like 500mm) and measuring how far it actually went. Then you can adjust...
  13. Replies

    Re: I'll start with my apologie

    Sounds like a real score. Sad to hear of a skilled hobbyist passing but I bet he would be happy that it went to someone willing to carry it on. Heck, I worry that my wife will send all my stuff to...
  14. Replies

    Re: I'll start with my apologie

  15. Replies

    Re: Repeatable Drifing Mystery

    Not knowing the screw pitch and microstep settings on your drivers, it is impossible to say if you have too many microsteps. Your mach settings are simply a reflection of the machine and driver...
  16. Replies

    Re: Repeatable Drifing Mystery

    The main structural difference between Grbl and Mach 3 (and 4) is that motion planning is done in the controller for Grbl and the PC for Mach. So, if something is disrupting the PC, Mach can suffer. ...
  17. Replies

    Re: Avid website is down.... ???

    Hope you guys get the problem(s) resolved soon. Sounds like you might need to review your hosting options. Your provider should be able to do a temporary redirect to a page that says what you...
  18. Replies

    Re: Avid website is down.... ???

    It's been down for at least 8 hours now.
  19. Re: Blue and White 50W Chinese Laser Y axis NEMA motor issue

    I'd bet money on the belt being messed up. Fire has a tendency to do that...

    If you really need a new stepper motor, just find the specs on the single shaft one and get similar but with dual...
  20. Replies

    Re: Recommended Desktop CNC Router

    Stay away from those little 3018 <$300 routers. The X rails on those are terrible - tons of flex. And the spindle is truly pathetic, even in the "Pro" version. I'd use a trim router before one of...
  21. Re: Blue and White 50W Chinese Laser Y axis NEMA motor issue

    Looks like a pretty run of the mill nema 23. Does it need a dual shaft? I see single shaft versions - search for 23HD450Y. I'm guessing that 2S stands for 2 shafts.

    Before you buy a new motor,...
  22. Replies

    Avid Pro Limit Sensor package connectors?

    I bought an Avid Pro4848 and have the mechanical part pretty much done. (well done machine design for end user assembly.) I am putting together the electronics to control it myself.

    I did buy the...
  23. Re: Attempting to etch my own PCBs... accuracy problems

    If you are on Windows, you should try ioSender. I like it a lot better than bCNC, UGS and other senders. It has excellent leveling support. I use a 3D probe (cheap one) and typically probe a 1 cm...
  24. Re: 4TH Pass on G Code is way off on my CNC Machine

    Agreed but I think our friend is all over the map. It probably is binding though it appears to be a low end Chinese machine so probably needs a full round of tightening and such. It may not have been...
  25. Re: 4TH Pass on G Code is way off on my CNC Machine

    Calm down, these are simple machines. First off, you need to be methodical in your approach. Try jogging each axis in turn to see if that works OK. Does it stop in the same location? On the one(s)...
  26. Re: 4TH Pass on G Code is way off on my CNC Machine

    Start a process of elimination to find the problem. Use a gcode viewer to look at your code first. I use https://ncviewer.com/ but there are plenty to choose from. It will tell you if it is your...
  27. Replies

    Re: New user 3018 CNC problem

    2000 is pretty fast for those super low end machines. I would try tightening up everything but think you may have found one of the 3018 limits. You might try decreasing acceleration.
  28. Replies

    Re: New user 3018 CNC problem

    same location - probably mechanical binding. disconnect the motor on that axis and try moving by hand.
  29. Replies

    Re: New user 3018 CNC problem

    Does the "jam" happen in the same or random location? Does it happen if you do "air cutting" (run it Z up so it doesn't actually cut)? Have you adjusted the current setting of the drivers?
  30. Replies

    Re: CNC 3018 PRO, adding laser

    You can retrofit a laser to the typical 3018 machines. Just be aware of the laser module size and whether it will fit in the motor mount of your machine. Some the laser modules are too small and...
Results 1 to 30 of 211
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