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Perfection in Protection, Licensing, and Security

Software protection and licensing

CodeMeter Protection Suite

The high-caliber features of CodeMeter Protection Suite allow you to:
  • Integrate both protection and licensing swiftly and effortlessly.
  • Achieve maximum protection level for your software, since CodeMeter Protection Suite incorporates state-of-the-art anti-debugging and anti-reverse engineering technologies.
  • Fully encrypt the executable code of your software against reverse engineering.
  • Decrypt individual parts of your application at runtime and encrypt them again. This approach is highly scalable depending on the number of parts selected; you are fully in charge of the security level you want to reach. The impact on performance is very limited regardless of the size and complexity of the parts.
  • Sign the encrypted application to ensure code integrity and authenticity.
  • Combine CodeMeter Protection Suite with CodeMeter Core API to implement special features.
  • Protect applications on multiple platforms; CodeMeter Protection Suite is available for both PCs (Windows, Linux, macOS) and leading embedded operating systems.
  • Choose among different variants of CodeMeter Protection Suite, each made for specific uses. The modules include: AxProtector / IxProtector, AxProtector IP Protection / IxProtector IP Protection, AxProtector CmE, AxProtector .NET, AxProtector Java, AxProtector Python, and AxProtector JavaScript.
  • Customize your status and error messages to reflect your corporate design, or you can rather run software without any user interface completely hidden in the background.
CodeMeter Protection Suite is your fast track to convenient, quick and secure integration of CodeMeter into your software. After integration, you can take advantage of various modalities to deliver your software as a universal package to your customers. CodeMeter and CodeMeter License Central let you define unique functionality and licensing models for each of your clients.
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CodeMeter SDK
CodeMeter SDK
Software protection and licensing
Software protection and licensing
CodeMeter SDK
CodeMeter, the all-in-one solution for software protection, licensing and security, is a comprehensive, suite of hardware-, software-, and cloud-based solutions. Employing internationally patented technology, CodeMeter is dedicated to the integrity protection of digital assets and intellectual property.

The CodeMeter toolkit includes:
  • The complete set of tools, libraries, examples, and instructions to protect your software in less than 5 minutes
  • The Demo Edition of CodeMeter License Central, the platform to create, manage, and distribute licenses
  • Two CmDongles – one to hold the secret encryption keys and the other to hold the license
  • The ability to create demo CmActLicenses
  • Immediate access to our support team
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CodeMeter Cloud
CodeMeter Cloud
Software protection and licensing
Software protection and licensing
CodeMeter Cloud
CodeMeter Cloud is the newest member of the CodeMeter product family and a great choice for protecting and licensing software on devices with a permanent Internet connection.
This includes software:
  • on office or home office workstations
  • on IoT or IIoT devices
  • and on virtual machines in proprietary data centers or elsewhere in the cloud.
CodeMeter Cloud is fully compatible with CodeMeter Runtime, CodeMeter License Central, and CodeMeter Protection Suite and includes virtually all of the protection and licensing capabilities offered by hardware-based (CmDongles) or software-based (CmActLicenses) license containers.
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CodeMeter License Central
CodeMeter License Central
Software protection and licensing
Software protection and licensing
CodeMeter License Central
CodeMeter License Central is a database-driven license and entitlement management solution that automates the process of creating, delivering, and managing licenses for software and digital content.

The key features of CodeMeter License Central enable you to:
  • Create licenses with ease using WebServices or the web frontend and assign them to:
    • Dongle-based license containers
    • Software-based license containers
    • Cloud-based license containers
  • Integrate the entire license lifecycle management workflow into popular CRM, e-commerce, and ERP systems, such as SAP and Salesforce, via tried-and-tested techniques
  • Deliver and manage licenses for your customers reliably and easily, either online or offline
  • Efficiently integrate your resellers into your existing software distribution process
All of this is backed up by Wibu Systems’ Professional Services team, providing the extra expertise you need to implement a unified solution and meet all your licensing requirements.

CodeMeter License Central also gives you complete control over your sales process and thus the power to allow your customers to:
  • Move licenses
  • Borrow licenses
  • Generate backup licenses
  • Manage their own licenses
  • Provide time-limited, upgrade, or trial licenses
  • Resell licenses
  • Split licenses
  • Return licenses
CodeMeter License Central includes a powerful SOAP-based interface and can define a broad range of licensing options. This means that you can map CodeMeter License Central items directly to your ERP items, so you can maintain the same SKUs you are currently using, yet have the flexibility to place multiple SKUs in a single order – if you choose to; your licenses, your way.
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CodeMeter Certificate Vault
CodeMeter Certificate Vault
Software protection and licensing
Software protection and licensing
CodeMeter Certificate Vault
Certificates are the IT world’s way of identifying individuals and devices. The person or device in question has to possess a key pair with a secret private key. A central entity (the CA or certificate authority) confirms that the corresponding public key belongs to that person or device. It does so by using a certificate: To authenticate the identity, a cryptographic operation is conducted with the private key and verified with the public key. Additionally, the validity of the certificate itself is checked.

The strong security offered by certificates is immediately apparent when comparing them to passwords. Passwords can be revealed accidentally or shared intentionally by the user. Also, hackers can get access to a password by means of a phishing attack. CodeMeter Certificate Vault holds the keys securely inside the smart card chip embedded in CmDongles, so they cannot be retrieved and copied. While passwords are used time and time again, in the case of certificates, a new cryptographic operation is performed each time a private key is used.

CodeMeter Certificate Vault works as a PKCS#11 compliant token provider, integrating with the Microsoft Cryptographic API Next Generation (CNG) as a Key Storage Provider (KSP), and working with OpenSSL API e.g. to keep and use the keys for TLS certificates. It is fully integrated with many essential applications including browsers, VPNs, and email clients. The keys kept in CmDongles can neither be read nor otherwise accessed, protecting them from all duplication or tampering attempts.

Compared to the typical user convenience of passwords, implementing certificates is a highly intricate process that makes certificates an unpopular choice in many cases. However, an integration in CodeMeter License Central simplifies the creation and rollout of certificates, making them more amenable to widespread use.
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Protection technology for software and digital documents
Software protection and licensing
The All-in-One Technology

CodeMeter® is the universal technology for software publishers and intelligent device manufacturers, upon which all solutions from Wibu-Systems are built. CodeMeter combines the following applications:
Protection: You want to protect the software you have developed against piracy and reverse engineering.
Licensing: You want to license your software as safely and easily as possible, which includes crucial aspects like the creation of flexible licensing models, the integration of their delivery, and the management of their complete lifecycle with your existing backoffice systems.
Security: You want to safeguard your users against tampering and attacks from third parties.

If your needs match even one of these points, CodeMeter is the optimal technology for you.
  • CodeMeter Manifesto EN
  • CodeMeter Manifesto DE
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