Fehlmann AG Maschinenfabrik
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Fehlmann AG Maschinenfabrik

Birren 1

5703 SeonSwitzerland

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About Fehlmann AG Maschinenfabrik

Fehlmann AG, a family-owned company, develops and manufactures precision machine tools for drilling and milling purposes. Since its founding in 1930, the company has supplied over 12'000 machines worldwide. Development, production and assembly are carried out exclusively at the works in Seon, Switzerland by 200 employees. Fehlmann AG not only assembles machines, but also produces parts and components with a high degree of vertical integration, ensuring an optimally coordinated degree of precision. Certification of quality and environmental management according to the newest quality standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 guarantee continuous improvement in all areas, as well as environmentally friendly and sustainable production. Highest quality, precision and sustainablity, as well as a high degree of availability are thus ensured.
Customer service is carried out by trained and specialized staff from our main works in Seon/Switzerland, our offices in Germany and PRC China, as well as by local representatives.

Our works in Seon, Switzerland
Dedicated and competent staff and management are FEHLMANN's major capital. A modern working environment, as well as a longterm-orientated and cooperative personnel policy guarantee sustainable and continuously increasing know-how within the company. Efficient production flow due to a flat hierarchy and short communication channels are a necessity. FEHLMANN trains approximately 20 apprentices as mechanics, electrical mechanics and business administrators.

We place great importance in the practical efficiency of our products. The focus of our efforts are to be found in the premium-grade, precise workpiece of our customers, as well as in the speed and handiness of machine operation. The well-balanced spectrum of products ranges from simple manual drilling and milling machines to high-performance machining centers and HSC-milling machines.
Founding Year1930
Number Of Employees101-250
Association Membership
VDWF - German Association of Moldmakers and Toolmakers
Type of CompanyManufacturer
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