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Seal solutions for optimal hygiene

GMN Content Manager IndustryArena GmbH on July 30, 2020 at 12:00 PM

In the chemical and food industry, the highest demands are placed on cleanliness and particle purity. In contrast to contact seals, no material wear due to friction contact occurs with non-contact seal components from GMN. This can reliably prevent fouling in the machine and the product with abrasion particles. GMN labyrinth plastic seals also have a high resistance to a variety of acids (lactic acids), chemicals (cleaning process) and fungi.




In packaging machines for food, a high level of precision and cleanliness often has to be achieved at high speeds. The CF seal protects the packaging material from lubricant particles (grease/oil) from the bearings.



A water jet with a pressure of up to 6.000 bar is used during water jet cutting. The procedure is also used in the food industry, for example, when processing frozen fish. Non-contact plastic seals offer effective protection and resistance to spray water occurring during machining.



Our non-contact seals made from plastic are particularly suited for use in the chemical industry. The plastic (POM) offers a high level of resistance to a wide range of chemicals.

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