ZCC Cutting Tools Europe

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About ZCC Cutting Tools Europe

Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide Cutting Tools Co., Ltd. (ZCC-CT) located at Zhuzhou, Hunan in the People's Republic of China belongs to the ZCC-Group.
Since its foundation in 1953, the enterprise has become one of the world's leading carbide-manufacturers, with more than 6,000 employees, in the field of carbide production owing to the latest technologies and highly qualified staff.
Based on the latest production technologies, ZCC-CT produces products of consistent quality at the highest level. The extensive product range includes carbide indexable inserts (coated and uncoated), indexable insert made from cermet, CBN, PCD and ceramics, solid carbide tools, as well as tool holders and milling bodies. ZCC-CT is a long-term and reliable partner of the global metal cutting industry.
Research and development has a very high priority at ZCC-CT. In this sector, the world's most modern equipment and advanced machinery from Germany and Switzerland are used, for which higher than average investments are made.
The production and administration in China is subject to the ISO 9001:2000 standards and the environmental management underlies the ISO 140001:2004 standards.
Founding Year2006
Number Of Employees101-250
Type of CompanyManufacturer
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