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  1. #6921
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Aww gee fellers, he's probably gone into hiding having been wopped by the deniers... yo'all did shoot him down in flames did'n youse?

    Now all of a sudden he's a good guy, that's almost as bad as saying dig up Tricky Dicky, he was a good guy.

    I for one state categorically that if'n I decide the boot fits, the person so deemed fittable should be seen wearing it.

    Al Gore with his 100 million smackeroos has probably got the most exotic pair of boots known to the Humanoids, but he wears them with fervent pride, almost as fervent as B.Graham doing the JC act in some Southern Hick town.

    I just watched a DVD "The Day After Tomorrow", which is about as near as you can define "The Sum Of All Fears" as you can get.

    I reckon with that expose' being as near to the typical reaction to an international disaster as you can get, wouldn't it be a bit "practical" (in fact very much so), if the good 'ol US of A fostered good relations with the country of Mexico.....or any other Banana republic down South yo'all bin' bashing the political guts out of previously, just in case 'ol Al Gore and Chicken Little are sleeping in the same bed, otherwise yo'all gotta be saying, "It's 100% true that Global Warming/Cooling is a myth and only makes Al Gore rich by default", but on the World stage no such statement will ever be forthcoming, which makes sitting on the fence a reality right now.

    The inconvenient truth is, B.O'B supports the Global Warming hypothesis, which means good for one, good for all, and all non believers go to the strawberry jam wall.

    Possibly, just possibly, the Global Climate Variation hysteria can be a solution to the slump in World wide prosperity, similar to the solution Adolf Hitler used just after WW1 to get The Fatherland up and running again, and the machinery will once again grind out and make products we don't need but want, provided the oil to make them work is pumped out and used, which is a big shot in the eye for the Enviro Nuts et al.

    BTW, the Queensland flood disaster is being tagged as the biggest disaster to hit Australia in all time, (at least in the last 200 years or so), but don't tell the Abbo's that, they've been here at least 30,000 years or more, and probably saw floods on that scale as a regular occurence, only they never built houses on flood plains or filled in dry creekbeds to create prime real estate, but what do they know?

    In the middle of our Summer, in Melbourne, we had 14 deg C overnight and today it's forecast to get to 29 deg C, which means last night we had the heating on and today the air con gets cranked up....Al, Climate Variation is a fact, undeniably so, but by whose hand?

  2. #6922

    I read all your posts and they have caused me to respect you as a thoughtful person and make me believe your perspective on things matches mine to a great degree. My thoughts were intended more as an observation of what meshes with my personal sense of right and wrong rather than a criticism of you. In other words, my way of doing things isn't a template for anyone else; it's just what I would or wouldn't do.

    My high regard for you is unchanged and neither is my considerably lower regard for the self appointed spoon-feeder.


  3. #6923
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    handlewanker, do you realise your writing is nonsensical?

    Drop the silly "if'n" affectations, etc., and you'll make a lot more sense.

  4. #6924
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Do you mean make more nonsensical sense....?
    T'is possible you got your lines crossed...LOL...whatever.

    I wasn't aware that Dufa and Marriss thought alike...maybe Dufa rants a bit, but is pretty shrewd in his/her analysis, while Marriss harps on the political side and winges about whomsoever is in power during this Climate Variation fiasco.

    I bet Dufa didn't read all of Mariss's posts, (all 2,542 of them) otherwise we'd be here till Doomsday with one complimenting the other on their political views.

    I was totally unaware that one had to be politically orientated to post a comment on this thread, personally I prefer to bend with the wind and although my voting preference is a closely guarded secret, I don't deny someone else their point of view.

    Even the Enviro Nuts make sense sometime, but thinking is generally not one of their great attributes.

    Most of the time the Enviro Nuts are just plain reactionary and the aspect of an economically progressive life style using all the natural resources found in the soil escapes them, but as they're in the minority sector anyway it doesn't really matter.

    It has been stated on a number of occasions that Al Gore has the biggest carbon footprint known to man.....I bet Bill Gates has a bigger one but nobody mentions that when they throw away their old computer because the hardware can't keep pace with the software.

    Billy Gates didn't make a few bucks promoting the AGW hypothesis, so he's a good Capitalist, quite godlike, whereas Al Gore, the man who almost got to the top of the ladder, got a mere 100 mill or so doing his thing......quite legally....and WHO got a Nobel Peace Prize?....not Bill Gates or Mother Thereza....Al Gore did, which in the eyes of the Plebs made him as godlike as Billy Gates, but on another playing field.

    Now that the Climate Variation scene is changing it's spots to become a redistribution of the world money stock pile, people like Al Gore are the ones that will be the NWO warriors, and those that ain't in it ain't gonna win any of it.

    To sum up the situation as it stands Climate Variation wise is like paying to go to the Lord Mayor's banquet and getting sandwiches on paper plates......I was never one to prefer Cuppachino out of a paper cup, just because it's enviromentally more friendly to use a recyclable paper cup instead of a reuseable china cup that initially cost heaps to make in a very hot fire.

  5. #6925
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Check it out!

    Greenpeace Founder Questions Man-Made Global Warming | The Blaze

    Greenpeace Founder Questions Man-Made Global Warming

    Patrick Moore, co-founder of the environmental organization Greenpeace, isn’t too hot about global warming. Appearing on Fox Business Network with Stuart Varney on Thursday, he said global warming is a “natural phenomenon,” there’s no proof of man-made global warming, and suggested that “alarmism” is driving politicians to create bad environmental policies. He also said he’s not the only environmentalist that believes like him.
    While talking with Varney, he explained that departure was in part due to the group’s “extremist positions” and it being hijacked by political and social causes as well as the left.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6926
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    AAAS withdraws “impossible” global warming paper | Watts Up With That?

    AAAS withdraws “impossible” global warming paper
    EurekAlert withdraws climate change paper

    A study warning that the planet would warm by 2.4C by 2020, creating deadly consequences for the global food supply, is being debunked as false and impossible.

    The study came from a little-known, non-profit group based in Argentina, called the Universal Ecological Fund. An embargoed copy of the study appeared on Eurekalert!, a news service operated by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) that’s followed by many journalists.

  7. #6927
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I side with Pat Moore, warm is better than cold.
    Anyone who can lie on a beach half naked on a cold Winter day and say it's OK has to be an AGM hypothesis subscriber, which to put it in a nutshell makes them all spoil sports, and I would steer clear of any mob that wanted to REDUCE the temperature as they would.

    I doesn't matter where Pat came from, it's where he's going, and I for one think he's going my way.

  8. #6928
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    The inconvenient truth is that the UEF actually published a report by an obscure and unknown unfunded enviro group somewhere in deepest Argentina, (where's that?), who, for whatever reason only known to them, made erroneous findings public and so ruffled a few feathers along the way.

    Someone has been using funding and had to show some results for it, anything as long as it was in the news and public eye.

    It took The Guardian newspaper in the UK to get the report debunked, squashed, thrown out on it's ear.

    The director Mrs Hivas, of the Argentinian group, who were also endorsed by a Nobel Peace Prize winning scientist, has stated defiantly that the sky is about to fall, just you wait and see, and being the director who can challenge that decision..... power without reason.....she who must be obeyed!

    For whatever reason, the UEF published an embargoed report....they must have been news hungry to publish anything that referred to any aspect of Climate Variation without checking the provenance or veracity of the report before hand, and being the mouthpiece of the AAAS, the B/S gets distributed far and wide.

    For that mistake the UEF are no better than a cheap Sunday rag newspaper that grasps at any slightest piece of scandal to ensure good returns on it's print run.

    Oh, but I forgot, the piece of paper the UEF printed had been endorsed by a Nobel Prize holder, so that makes it OK.....Chicken Little is alive and squarking her little 'ol head off, Al Gore would be so proud....one of us, LOL.

  9. #6929
    Climate change is coming. There is no doubt about that now.
    This will mean a change in the way we live our lives - either now, or in the future.
    Problem is - we don't much like change. It's fiddly, time-consuming and can be expensive.
    The other problem?... The longer we leave it, the more drastic this change may need to be.
    Think creatively, act collaboratively, and it might just be easier than we think.

  10. #6930
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    It is a fraud.

  11. #6931
    My creative thinking says you sound like a Church of Global Warming cultist.:-)

  12. #6932
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    more immediate problems

    hownewsday is from China, which has more immediate problems, like the pea soup smog over their big cities. Rising temperatures 10 or 50 years from now don't mean much when you can't breathe today.
    My main machine: Multicam MG series (MG101) with original Extratech H971 controller, Minarik servo motors, Electro-Craft BRU-series drives, 4KW Colombo. Let's talk Multicam!

  13. #6933
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by hownewsday View Post
    Climate change is coming. There is no doubt about that now.
    This will mean a change in the way we live our lives - either now, or in the future.
    Problem is - we don't much like change. It's fiddly, time-consuming and can be expensive.
    The other problem?... The longer we leave it, the more drastic this change may need to be.
    Think creatively, act collaboratively, and it might just be easier than we think.
    I agree with hownewsday's post and proposal. Climate Change is the norm. As can be seen from the chart of ice core data that I often refer to, average temperature goes up and down in a manner that seems to imply some forcing functions we don’t fully understand. We have been in a warm period for about 150 years but that warm period is pretty much like the three that preceded it. The others after 150 to 200 years ended somewhat abruptly. Without a good reason to believe otherwise I’d expect this warm period to end similarly. But the fact that warming might end means being smart about anticipating climate change and preparing is even more important.

    Despite what AGW advocates have said GW does not seem like much of threat. The arguments about magic thresholds that we are about to cross have no solid rational that I have discovered. Without magic tipping points continued GW is just a gradual average temperature change that increases food production, reduces heating and road maintenance energy costs and erodes beaches. We give up some ski areas, build some bigger irrigation systems and in the worst case watch Miami and a few other big cities submerge. Said all in one sentence that seems like a lot of change, but it’s pretty gradual and every generation includes a period where it is 20 to 30 years old, full of energy and capable of addressing necessary change.

    But suppose global warming ended normally and we moved into a period of global cooling. Not a ‘snowball earth’ type ice age but a 100 year cool dip as in the 1700’s. Food production would be down unless we moved crop production toward the equator. That would require massive irrigation and desalinization, i.e. more energy. Heating demand would jump tremendously. Transportation maintenance energy cost would jump (snowplows burn diesel but the big hitter is repair of frost damage). But those costs would be on top of increasing energy costs related to population wealth changes. (Middle class urban people require more centralized energy production than do poor rural firewood burners.) Currently world petroleum production is barely matching demand and a relatively quick jump in demand would tip the process into chaos. Coal mining, both in the US and China seems to grow more difficult and dangerous each year.

    What then should we be preparing for, assuming a 100 year planning window? (1)No real change and therefore no real impact, (2)something that is unlikely and has minimal impact or (3)something big with huge potential impact. Change is the norm and based on historical data we seem poised for a change so I forget the first option. Continued warming does not have a big impact so why worry about it? But the consequences of cooling are so big it does not seem to me that it should be ignored. To address it we really need a much larger energy source. Hownewsday argues in one of his other posts for alternate energy sources. I’d like to see that work but it requires the invention of much better energy storage methods, i.e. methods that can store 1000x the energy/pound ratings of current batteries. Since that does not seem possible I think we have to use nuclear. Hownewsday’s China is moving in the right direction and I expect that over the next 50 years they will clean up energy production and their smog. I just wish my US would do likewise. Make me emperor and I will put us on the path to build 1000GW of nuclear power production in the next 15 years. It would cost $1T, solve the jobs problem, make energy cheap, eliminate the need to export petrodollars, and put us in a position where we could respond to a global cooling change if it necessary.


  14. #6934
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I like your view on this and it sounds very similar to my own, climate change is normal and indeed cooling is the big scare... Wait until the profitmongers have milked GW to the hilt and turn to milking GC, that will get very scary.

    There is a problem with this idea however;
    Quote Originally Posted by TomB View Post
    Make me emperor and I will put us on the path to build 1000GW of nuclear power production in the next 15 years. It would cost $1T, solve the jobs problem, make energy cheap, eliminate the need to export petrodollars, and put us in a position where we could respond to a global cooling change if it necessary.
    Nuclear is good clean power and is a good idea in general, but as for such a massive investment I don't think it is viable. For one, the USA has very poor uranium reserves and you would be in the situation of buying uranium from another country - the same as the problem you have now of having to buy your oil from another country.

    Also the cost effectiveness of that money invested needs to be looked at. The money to setup nuclear is quite high and then you still have maintenance, replaceables and consumables. The same money invested in solar/wind/tidal will likely produce similar energy per investment dollar but free you from consumables and all the consumables market cycles and economic problems. Also, nuclear requires a very large investment per generating station and then very large distribution costs (as people don't want to live next door to one). It does not have the very real benefits of local generation and minimal distribution, and the other benefit of small scale generation that allows easier expansion etc.

    If you do become Emperor (and I'd vote for you long before I voted for Al Gore) you could look into solar roofs for houses. Even with the poor efficiency of present day solar tech there is more energy falling just the roof of our homes than what we consume, once properly put into place we can easily have an energy surplus at least on a domestic level. There is no energy shortage just a lack of energy harvesting infrastructure.

  15. #6935
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Get off it Hownewsday, it might be bad in your part of the world, but yo'all burn coal like there's no tomorrow, so if you city dwellers can't see your hand in front of your face on a good day, better wise up.

    More to the point, our economy in the West was built on more environmentally clean production methods, and yo'all gotta learn that if you only live for today, ain't gonna be a tomorrow you'll remember.

    What's all this twaddle....."Climate Change is Coming".....it's always been a part of daily living, perfectly normal for whatever time of the year.

    I draw the line when it's coupled with AGW, to cross that line means yo' in Al Gore land, and as such yo' better speak his language 'cos yo' is one o' dem.......a global Warming caused by humanoid influences supporter, and as 'bin shown countless times here, it just ain't so, unless of course yo' believe in the Hockey Stick b/s too.

    Just like a fanatical Bible puncher who gives 1/10 of his money to the cult leader for whatever, supporting the AGW hypothesis (aka redistribution of assets formular), means yo' gonna be fleeced till yo' squeek come the day when the 3rd World sticks it's hand out for the promised treasure Cancun is set to deliver.

    How many Climate Change Nuts does it take to ruin a world economy......counting on the fingers of my left hand, just one....the stupid rsole that held the casting vote in favour of the agenda item at the Cancun conference for World Wide asset redistribution.

  16. #6936
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by hownewsday View Post
    Climate change is coming. There is no doubt about that now.
    What time's it supposed to get here?

    Not sure what we'll do if the climate ever changed. It's been the same for so, so long. :banana:

  17. #6937
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Speaking of Nuclear, is anyone up to speed on the Pebble Bed Reactor? I understood that it would be cheaper to build than the hot water designs, be able to use our spent fuel rods and establish a higher standard of safety. IMHO we ought to be looking very closely at the design.

    Bob B.

  18. #6938
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Having lived in snow country, those roof top or ground mounted solar panels don't work very well...especially under 20 foot snow drifts...

    One goes to sleep with the freezer humming and wakes up the next morning and dead silence and no lights. A lot like living in the 1800s....

  19. #6939
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Federal Government Teaching Farmers to Participate in

    Federal Government Teaching Farmers to Participate in ‘Carbon Markets’ that Don’t Exist Yet

    (CNSNews.com) – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is teaching farmers how to participate in “carbon markets” despite the fact that such markets do not exist and Congress – in rejecting cap and trade legislation last year – has refused to create them.

    Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Kathleen Merrigan made the admission at the WorldWatch Institute’s 2011 State of World Symposium Wednesday, saying that one of the ways USDA was dealing with climate change was to teach American farmers how to participate in “carbon markets,” the technical term for a cap and trade program.

  20. #6940
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post
    Having lived in snow country, those roof top or ground mounted solar panels don't work very well...especially under 20 foot snow drifts...
    Well there won't BE any snow left anywhere by about 2025 due to...

    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post
    One goes to sleep with the freezer humming and wakes up the next morning and dead silence and no lights. A lot like living in the 1800s....
    I get your point about Hippie "alternative energy" installations done on a budget. But speaking from an electronics background there is no reason that solar can't produce more that you need on a year-round basis. It's just a matter of the size and cost of the installation, and costs are set to come down a lot.

    Really solar will change from being an "alternative energy source" to being just another one of the tried and proven cost-effective commercial energy sources. Then of course the Hippies will hate it.

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