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DMGMORI_Caprez Leiter Online Marketing DMG MORI Europe Holding AG on May 22, 2015 at 1:00 PM

Visit us from 25 through 29 May, 2015 at the industry highlight in Moscow and experience the innovation strength of DMG MORI. On over 800 sqm we will be presenting high-quality and innovative products to meet your future production challenges, 17 high-tech machines, thereof 11 machines in the new DMG MORI Design and with our revolutionary CELOS® control platform to simplify and accelerate the process from the idea to the finished product.

Latest innovations and continuous improvement guarantee highest functionality forbest prices – experience ECOLINE machines – produced in Russia for Russia.

Convince yourself with innovative software solutions and products from DMG MORI LifeCycle Services and take advantage of our expert-led technology on the latest trends of automation with DMG MORI Systems.


  • CELOS®– From the idea to the finished product
  • ECOLINE Series – produced in Russia for Russia
  • 7 Russian premiers, 11 machines in the new DMG MORI Design and with CELOS®
  • Universal lathes and turn & mill complete machining with NLX, NTX and CTX series
  • 5-axis excellence – 5 machines live-in operation
  • LASERTEC AdditiveManufacturing
  • Services and service products from DMG MORI LifeCycle Services
  • 17 high-tech machines at more than 800 sqm

We are looking forward to welcoming you!
Your DMG MORI team


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