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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Cincinnati CNC > A2100 - NC Engine Base ... Failed.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    A2100 - NC Engine Base ... Failed.

    Hey Folks,
    I finally got my act in gear and sent the PSR4 off for repair. That's another £1k spent on the old girl!

    I'm having a spot of bother loading up the control now, perhaps from where it's been turned off for so long, I don't know. When the control runs diagnostics before loading it says the NC engine base has failed. I restarted a few times and then for some reason it passed and I managed to get the machine to run and stop the spindle up to 6000rpm, so the repair on the PSR4 has been successful. I had to hit the E-stop when running a program and it threw an error and said I needed to restart the control. I've now restarted a lot and it's always saying the NC engine base has failed.

    Any clues as to what be the problem here?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Watch the display as the Diagnostics runs and see if/where it fails.

    If it is fully loaded you can view the diagnostics page to see where it failed, but if NC Engine base fails, you likely can't do a "normal" shutdown with the power button and risk corrupting the hard drive if you cycle power when the drive is active.

    I would recommend you watch the diagnostics as it runs to catch where the failure occurs, and then quickly press and hold shift while tapping the emergency uninstall button. This will stop the A2100 load and back out to Windows desktop where you can manually shut the control down.

    If you miss the opportunity to back out, try to let the control load fully. Depending on software version this will likely take much longer than usual and you will need to acknowledge many load failures along the way. Once fully loaded you can press more, then diagnostics (to view the last results) and when ready to shut down, restart the diagnostics and when you get the opportunity, hold shift while selecting the emergency uninstall button and then shut down windows.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2024

    Re: A2100 - NC Engine Base ... Failed.

    Hi, maver1ck; you have helped me get my machine running in the past. Are you still working? I fear that all the greats like yourself are retiring.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: A2100 - NC Engine Base ... Failed.

    Quote Originally Posted by billetbones1 View Post
    Hi, maver1ck; you have helped me get my machine running in the past. Are you still working? I fear that all the greats like yourself are retiring.
    Still around. If you still have my email from the last time, send me a message there, otherwise PM me and I'll get back to you.

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