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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > MadCAM > Recalculating toolpath results in error "Add toolpath to Rhino failed!"
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Recalculating toolpath results in error "Add toolpath to Rhino failed!"

    In v 7.0.2021.308:
    Recalculating toolpath results in error "Add toolpath to Rhino failed!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Recalculating toolpath results in error "Add toolpath to Rhino failed!"

    Hi MitchB,
    I've been having this same error message. I see no one replied and this is an old thread. My exact error is "Add Toolpath to Rhino Failed Check to see if clipping planes are out of reach" I do-not have clipping planes turned on but thought that I read in the forum that clipping planes are created automatically when cutting 3D. This only happens on my 3d Models. I've turned them on and moved them on and moved them "in reach" and out of reach and it doesn't seem to make a difference. Also I've enlarged my box by the tool diameter, Enlarged my box. I created a stock model by offsetting a curve and extruding it and I was able to get my rough toolpath to work. But the Planer failed. Did you ever figure it out?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Recalculating toolpath results in error "Add toolpath to Rhino failed!"

    I don't remember how I resolved this. But I think it must have been something like deleting the planes and then making them again. Possibly moving them by 0.001" so that tools could reach a surface? Sorry I can't help more. I am thinking of migrating to RhinoCam in the hopes that will have fewer inexplicable issues.

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