I’m working on finishing up the rough design of a smaller CNC mill I’m looking to make in the near future and I’d appreciate some input on some of the decisions I have to make.

I’m shooting for travels of about 14” x 8” x 14” (XYZ), a little less would be fine. I’ve put about a thousand hours on a modified Tormach 1100S3 over the past few years so I have a pretty good handle on how much travel I really need. I plan on putting a pair of 4" vises on the table for most jobs. I don’t want to make the mill larger than it has to be, both for size and rigidity reasons.

Overall, my goal is to build a stout, high-performance prototyping mill for making at most small runs of parts. It will mostly (say 90%) cut aluminum with 1/4” (6mm) and 3/8” (10mm) sized tooling but with some steel and stainless (say 10%). I’m not so concerned with speed when milling the tougher materials, but I want it to be able to cut fairly well with 5/16” (8mm) tooling. To this end, it will be as compact as possible within the constraints of the work envelope. This will allow for both space efficiency and maximization of rigidity.

I’ve been looking at ~10k RPM BT30 spindles with servo drives and pneumatic tool retention on Alibaba as they seem to check most of the boxes at around $2k for the package. At the moment I don’t see much reason to size up to CT40 tooling for a mill of this size. (And I recently got rid of all the CT40 tooling I had so there are no economies to exploit there.)

For the rails I was looking at HGH-25 class rails for the Z axis and either HGH-20 or HGH-25 rails for the X and Y axes. Packaging looks to be a little easier with the smaller rails and they save 10mm of stack height per axis too. I’m just not sure if I’m running a risk of leaving performance on the table by going with the smaller rails.

I was looking at 5mm pitch, 20mm diameter ground screws as a size that would fit in this package without too much difficulty. I haven’t looked for a source for these yet, but unless I’m missing something, they should be about right for a mill of this size. The longest screw would only be ~600mm long so stepping up to a 25mm screw doesn’t seem necessary, at least from my current perspective. If I’m missing something here, please educate me.

XYZ drives:
I’m really only looking at servos for my axis drives. I want to be able to rapid quickly (~500 in/min or ~200 mm/s). I haven’t looked into what’s available in this regard yet, so I’d appreciate any advice.

I’m looking at something along the lines of 8x6” square tube with 1/2” wall, filled with either just sand or an epoxy-aggregate mix for both the base and the column. My quick sketches suggest that this should be sufficient for the smaller form-factor of this mill. I’m planning on very beefy exterior L-shaped brackets to reenforce the column-to-base joint.

This will be my first build of this scale so I’d appreciate any and all advice and feedback you have.