hi everyone, i am going to buy a 1988 matsuura mc-800v with a yasnak MX3 controller. i have run it for test using powermill9 to generate toolpathes (offset area clearance,constant z finishing,raster finishing, helical drilling) and cimco software to link the machine an PC. my dnc settings was: stop bits 2,parity even,baud rate 9600,enable DTR checked,enable RTS checked,flow control software, X ON /17 XOF /19.
I just tried the machine with offset roughing strategy and observed a really big problem with that.the machine couldnt move the smooth toolpathes with arcs and circles and ran the arc movements with something like 20-30 straight line moves.
i really love and adore this machine and looking for a solution to solve the unsmooth circle movement problems of machine,.with at least 3000 mm/m cutting feed rate,while my strategy is real smoothed with fit arcs and corner radiuses.
thanks for your helps...
im using rs232 connection cable.