My dad has a 1997 Partner VI with a Centurion 6 control and we are converting it from SRAM drive over to CF card - mainly to get control of the autoexec.bat and config.sys files to add in networking. This is a hobby machine for him (he's a retired machinist, programmer, and machine shop owner), so it's definitely a DIY project. Since the SRAM drive works, we have pulled all the files over from the A:\ and B:\ drives, made the CF card bootable, and are able to boot the CNC after disabling the SRAM drive via dipswitch 1 position. I changed the path.dat to reflect the new drives and since we increased the RAM on the motherboard, I bumped up the ramdrive to use all of it above 1mb. This is not a SBC - it has a full "blackbox" motherboard. The CF card is 4Gb, split into (2) 2 gig drives to work with DOS 6.22.Once the control booted up, I changed the P1-6.ATC macro location in the startup parameters and it seemed to be working. We tried a tool change and after the arm came back out after the change, the machine locked up. Looking at the macro, it was attempting to do a G11. I edited the macro to comment out the G11 to see what it would do, and the tool change completed normally. Now, any attempt to enter an MDI command, whether it's another tool change or an axis move, the red box in the upper right hand corner of the screen says "Resolving MDI command. Please wait." At this point, we have to kill the power to get the machine back - it's locked up tight. I've been through the drives multiple times and have verified that all files are there, all path statements are correct, but I could be overlooking something.Has anyone had similar issues trying to boot from a CF card and, if so, any idea what the "fix" is? I have a hard time believing that the cnc.exe file has any drive-specific programming that won't allow it to use the CF card as drive C. They seem to use only the info in the path.dat file to point to specific folders. I've looked at most of the "readable" files from the ROM and don't see anything that would be a problem.Also, there's a shell.exe that runs off the SRAM drive, but I've "rem"-ed it since it appears to be looking for A: & B: drives that aren't there any longer. This didn't seem to have any affect on it other than I can't hit any key to enter DOS during boot up. I also have run it with and without the "call" statement in the autoexec.bat that doesn't do anything even when it runs from the SRAM drive.Any help would be appreciated! -Tom