I have been cutting out and engraving aluminum parts on my cnc router now for a couple of years. As I expand my product offering I am ending up milling out more of my new designs on the manual Bridgeport mill. I would like to trade up to a cnc vmc but know nothing about what brand is good or bad, what to consider or stay away from. I am looking to find something in decent shape that I can use for a while without too much repair as I don't really have the time to be rebuilding anything. I am posting my current watch list from ebay hoping someone will chime in with a few comments or suggestions. I am an older guy who hasn't worked in a machine shop since the 80's, until starting my own a few years ago, (don't worry I am a one man band) I recognize some of the names but have no idea of quality or which ones to even consider.

The prices on my watch list are all over the place, just trying to get an idea of what things are going for. I realistically would like to spend about $15k but have lower priced machines and higher priced machines on the list for comparison.

I realize I am not giving anyone too much information to go on, my parts are small enough to fit on any of the tables listed in the list. 4 or 5 axis would be great for future product development but I don't think I can afford either at this time.

Like I said I am just looking for folks opinions on the brands so I know what to stay away from.

Thank you.

My eBay Watch list.pdf