Hi !
I hope someone can help me with this. I have a XJ-3030 engraver/router from XYZ-Tech, China. It has a handheld control unit called DSP unit.
I only use the machine to make nameplates from Rowmarks Lacquer 2ply vinyl.

I use 3,1mm (1/8") °30 cutters ranging in pointsize from 0,1mm and upto 0,5mm. The problem I have is with the smaller tipped cutters. I mostly run the router with a 0,5mm tipsize and that works fine. Clean cold cuts.

But when I use 0,1mm; 0,2mm; and 0,3mm then the cutters get warm and ruin the vinyl.

Are there not tables or perhaps books that do explain the Routers peeed in relation to the X,Y trawelling/proc. speed and also something called Speed Ratio ?

Help is appreciated greatly...

Einar Thor