Fried a motherboard (Fanuc 0i B) with a critical job running. All tools now trapped on carousel. I switched motherboard from identical machine, booted up fine but won't home. Appears that there is something different about the way the positions are stored. Anyway, over traveled on -X and hit limit switch (slow speed). The only way I can jog now is by continuously holding the blue alarm button in.

It appears that I have to either sync the machine position with this motherboard (parameters?) and reset the limit switch (how?) or somehow get my tools out of the carousel and move the board and tools to the other machine. I can't rotate the carousel with out homing the machine which I can't do without changing stuff on the control (it appears). Can anyone helps...please???

Ok, I have managed to remove all the tools while holding in the blue reset button, and have returned the board to the machine it was in. That machine now also has the problem of not knowing where it is. What the values in "machine" read (monitor) are not where it is. I am assuming there is a way to tell the control where the machine is table really is, no?