Hi All, great to finally see a 3D printing forum here too! Sorry for the plug , but I think this might interest you guys if you're interested in 3DP: We're just about to release our Ultimaker design and start offering kits! Be sure to check out the Ultimaker !

3DP is a very low-force process compared to machining. The Ultimaker departs from many conventions in that its mechanics are specialized for controlled rapid moves. It uses (orthogonal) parallel kinematics and a Bowden cable to speed up printing, with acceleration from standstill to 300 mm/s without slowly ramping up the speed. The bot, together with its well balanced extruder carriage allows accurate printing even at higher speeds. It has the largest build envelope of the common open source designs (210x210x220mm) (single toolhead mode)

The extruder is redesigned to be very easy to assemble because it uses a heater cartridge.

More info:
- Ultimaker Specifications
- Bowden cable - on the RepRap Wiki
- About me - I'm a long time RepRap advocate who want to make it easier to get your first RepStrap
- Click for example prints
- More info if you ask me!
- This is a review of our first prototype by a reputable 3D printing blogger "Makerblock".