is selling CNC kits based on a 100% spec'd/open source design (including documentation for all aspects of the hardware and electronics).

For people who want to provide their own steppers/electronics and know
what they're doing, and want to source the parts themselves, the cheap
kit is only $200 and will go into production if 150 orders are placed (it's
over 100 right now), within the next 19 days (of this thread posting).

They have a more complete kits at $650 and $1000 if someone prefers
the convenience of all of that.

I'm not associated with, I'm just someone who ordered
a kit and wants to see the number of orders get to 150 sooner than later,
although there have been over 50 orders placed since I placed my order
about 28 hours ago.

Definitely worth looking at. This looks like a good cheap way into a simple
solid functional unit for small projects.