Hi All,

I'm looking to expand my business by adding a vinyl cutter. I'll be using it to do banners, window signs, and vehicle lettering. I also plan on cutting heat transfer materials for tees and stencil material for rhinestone designs.

I outsource right now but would like to have the capability of doing it myself. I've looked at the Cricut 24" craft cutter but don't think it will meet my needs. Obviously I'm looking to start off as inexpensively as possible while being able to output a quality product.

I'm considering the USCutter Creation PCUT Vinyl Cutter or the LaserPoint Vinyl Cutter w/ CONTOUR CUTTING feature.

I've had mixed responses from suppliers of more expensive machines (a waste of money) and from searching on the web (issues that owners seem to have overcome), but would like to hear from someone who owns either machine and can tell me about their experience.

Are there any other machines out there in that price range (under $500) that I should consider (any success stories)?

Is it worth waiting to buy a more expensive machine?

Thanks for the advice and GOD bless,

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