‘Digital Art Making - An Art Economy & A New Autonomy’
June 9 - July 15 2012
In Partnership with NORTHERN SPARK ‘nuit blanche’
Gallery13/ SPARK3DS
811 LaSalle Ave. Minneapolis MN 55402
Gallery Hours: Tues.-Sat. Noon- 6pm or by appointment

SPARK3DS Mini Symposium
Open to artists, designers, educators, and the public.
Saturday: June 9th: 10am – 3pm at Gallery13:
Lunch is provided by Crave Catering

$10.00 -$20.00 Suggested Donation.
Seating is Limited
Sponsored by:
Crave Catering, Joia Sodas (Boundary Waters Brands LLC), Kowalski’s Foods

SPARK3DS: An Exhibition of Digitally-Mediated Sculpture.
Artist Reception and Opening: Sat. June 9th, 8:00 pm – Midnight
Music by: Das Fauna + DJ SLT (KFAI)

Press Release

SPARK3DS is an exhibition and mini symposium that explores the world of digital sculpture: sculpture created using virtual tools such as Rapid Prototype Machines ( 3D printers) , CNC Milling Machines , and Laser Cutters -all of which are software- based design and sculpture tools that produce additively printed or machine-carved 3D objects.

Exhibition: Sat. June 9th 8pm-10pm
The focus of this exhibition and mini symposium is to expose local artists and designers, to an incredible resource that is just coming of age: customized, on- demand, digital production for the individual studio practice. We are entering a period of time in which artists have access to powerful software and machines that can aid them in the creation and manufacture of one work or a thousand works, right from their desktops. While that is already happening for a group of artists and designers who are early adopters , nationally and internationally, most studio artists and designers have not yet developed the resources or working knowledge that will enable their participation in these highly customizable digital production modalities. 3D printing is the harbinger of a revolution that will help build a local and sustainable creative economy by putting powerful digital tools in the hands of anybody who wants to make things.

Symposium: Sat. June 9th 10 am -3pm
Gallery13 will host artists and the general public at a Mini Symposium on Saturday June 9th: 10am-3pm. where figures from industry, along with visiting artists, will participate in a forum of presentations, discussions and demonstrations. In this symposium, participating and visiting artists will talk about their work and how digital production impacts creativity, production, and studio practice. Discussing and learning about individual and collective experience in the studio will provide a much-needed basic and practical look at this new and more accessible art production industry. Finally we want attendees to better understand and grasp the vast amount of activity taking place, bubbling below the surface, in this area of the arts, and to be able to come away with information that will help guide them into this new paradigm of creativity, production, and art-making .

The following is a list of the artists whose work will be on exhibit as part of Gallery13 / SPARK3DS through July 15th 2012. Many of the artists listed below are pioneers in the use and application of digitally mediated sculpture and are known nationally and internationally, having shown their work at major galleries in the U.S. and abroad, as well as having been part of some of the most prestigious art expositions throughout the world.

Artist Statements, Images, and Bios are available, upon request.

Adam Nowicki: NY Alexander Vicenzi: NY Andrew Vonhoff: MN

Andrew Werby: CA Bathsheba Grossman: CA Brad Jirka: MN

Brit Bunkley: New Zealand Bruce Beasley: CA Chris Manzione: NJ

Christian Lavigne: France Corinne Whitaker: CA Dan Tesene: NY

Daniel Collins: AZ Dave Beck: MN Eric Van Stratten: Belgium

George Hart: NY Jesse Small: CA Jon Isherwood: NY

Jonathan Monaghan: MD Josh Harker: IL Kenneth Snelson: OR

Keith Brown: United Kingdom Mary Neubauer: AZ Mary Visser: TX

Richard Elaver: NC Robert Smith: NY Jimmy Stewart: AZ

Industry Presenters and Sponsors:

-Vista Technologies: Vadnais Heights MN
Dan and Allan Mishek have graciously provided 3D printing services to artists who could not ship work or who simply wanted to create a new work for this exhibition. They will talk about the industry of 3D printing, the use of CNC milling machines for mold making, and the injection molding services offered by VistaTek. They will discuss the many different kinds of materials methods, and color choices involved in the building of an object.

-Advance Technology /Stratsys Inc.
Stratasys’ uP Personal Desktop Color Printer
Matt Havekost, Representative for Stratasys will be demonstrating a Stratsys uP Personal 3D Color Printer. Participants will have the chance to see a Stratasys machine build 3-D objects. Learn about the build materials, software requirements, and technical attributes of this machine. The uP Desktop Color Printer will build and run continuously throughout the symposium.

-3-D Systems / ‘The Cube’: Rock Hill, SC
The Cube Desktop 3D printer (billed as the first real consumer3D printer)
Andrew of 3-D Systems is coming from South Carolina to demonstrate a new desk top 3D printer called The Cube, which has novel consumer improvements: a just-released refillable cartridge filled with plastic printing material, just released. The cube is being billed as the first real consumer 3D printer..Weighing just 9 lbs, it sits on the desktop and can be run from any laptop. The Cube has real potential for artists making small sculpture, or modules which can be combined with other media or made into a single work. The Cube will run throughout the entire symposium.

-Laser Design /GKServices Inc.: Minneapolis, MN
3D Laser Scanner
Larry Carlberg from LDI/GKS will conduct a participatory demonstration of 3D laser scanning. .
Larry will demonstrate the capabilities of the Artec white-light 3D scanner. This hand- held device can scan a human or any object such as a sculpture, and turn either into a 3D virtual object that can be manipulated In 3D software and printed on a 3D printer.

-Universal Laser Systems
VLS3.60 Laser Cutter and Printer
John Volkmer is presenting for Universal Laser and has agreed to bring a 12” x 24” laser bed cutter /printer which can cut and engrave low to deep surface relief in wood, plastics and soft metals, This system can be run from almost any common software including MSWord, Photoshop, and Corel Draw. While this is not a 3D print system, it has potential for printmaking and marking on non-traditional surfaces.

-Developing Product Inc.
Kevin Skow: Mobile Cad CAD Office
Kevin Skow will be demonstrating a CNC (Computer Numeric Control) milling machine from his mobile CAD (Computer Assisted Design) studio. The CNC machine is a computerized carving tool which utilizes a subtractive milling process. There are a multitude of different machines and machine sizes on the market, from tiny ones used by hobbyists to huge multi-axis machines used for building boats and airplanes

-Philips Consumer Lifestyle, P&F USA, Inc. / Philips: Atlanta GA.
Philips has generously agreed to provide 40” LCD flat screens for this event
so that we can show 3D animations and real-time scanning demos.

Stephen and Karen Sugarman
651-592-5503 . [email protected] . GALLERY13 HOME
811 LaSalle Ave. Minneapolis MN 55402
Gallery Hours: Tues.-Sat. Noon- 6pm or by appointment