An usual problem happened to a Co2 laser engraving machine is laser can’t work. So you can find many end users asked the question: Why my laser cutting machine doesn’t work? Why my laser cutting machine no laser come out? What’s the problem if my laser cutting machine don’t have light? Now EETO Laser would like to tell you how to solve this problem.

1.Check the laser tube can give out light or not. You can just check the tube’s mouth for the light go out.

2. When you found the laser tube can give out light, you should check the mirror and lens and the light path is ok or not. You can use “Bursting button for testing this.

3. If you found the laser tube can’t give out light, you should check the water cycle is ok or not, such as the connection of the chiller is right or not, or the water chiller’s pipe is blocked or not.

4. If the water chiller’s recycling is ok, you should check indicator light of the laser power supply is opened or not, the fan in the laser power supply is opened or not, if the laser power supply’s indicator light and fan of the laser power supply not work, you should replace the laser source.

5. The above steps are all ok and the laser tube can’t give out light, it must be the problem of laser tube, then you should change the laser tube.

Anyway, if you don’t want to get this problem regularly, you only need to buy a good quality laser cutting machine, then EETO Laser will be one of your best choice!