So I wanted to try to build a small cnc machine. I don't really have any experience with any of this, but thought it would be a fun project to keep me busy. I boghut THIS USB CNC CONTROLLER online and haven't gotten much farther than that haha. I downloaded USB CNC Controller software from, its only a trial but i figure that is good enough until i actually have a working product. When its all plugged in it seems to work fine with the controller I can make a few lights light up and get some voltage from various ports, but cant seem to get any stepper motors actually moving. I'm using motors from old CD Drives they have 4 wires, when I screw the wires into the terminals and power it up I ether get a very light noise from the motor when I move along the corresponding axis or the board just keeps resetting. I have a feeling its something to do with the power, couldn't image a single usb drive being able to power 4 5v stepper motors... just not sure where to apply power or how much power to apply because its all in Chinese lol. If anyone could shed some light on the subject that would be awesome!
Pat Hastings

Just a quick summary because that looks like a mess to me
-Downloaded software from
-Get some activity from the board, but no steppers motors actually move.
-Assume its a power issue, but don't know how much power to apply or where to apply it.