Hello all,

Quick question, which hopefully will be answered in a flash by someone smarter than me. =)

In the process of generating my parts list, and I am looking into the motors drivers and controllers.
Planning on building a 3x3' square or slightly smaller router, using acme 1/2-10 2 start and 8020 Aluminium.

I don't have a parallel port, so I will be using a smoothstepper, but I am a bit confused on its role.
Is the smoothstepper essentially a usb ->parallel adapter. Which I would then plug into the below ebay kit?

Say for instance I decided to use this kit from ebay (china)
ebay item number 280612051870

or does the smooth stepper already perform the function of half the above board, and all I need to find is the actual stepper controllers themselves?

But, more to meat of this post.
Basically, I wish to pick everyones brains of whether or not, buying an ebay stepper kit (such as the above) is a decision I will come to hate myself for or not down the road?

Thank you for any comments anyone has to offer