Hi Guys ,

I am new to the world of laser CNC I also bought a Chinese K40 Ebay Laser ,which works really well I have made a few easy projects with it and very happy with the machine itself.
now I would like to step up and make something more technical for my daughters birthday ,I would love to make her a laser cut model of the Eiffel tower as she loves anything to do with Paris & I have found a awesome DXF file for the Eiffel tower but yeah unfortunately it is to big for my laser is there a way that we could resize the DXF to a smaller version of the same model ?

if so could somebody be kind enough to either rescale it for me or point me into a direction of a step by step tutorial.

I would appreciate any help you guys could give and it would also make my daughter very happy

thanks again and will look forward to reading your reply's