so i'm getting closer and closer to having my x3 conversion done, and i'm starting to come up with all sorts of nifty projects for friends and family while i learn... so heres my questions....

i'm finding that lots of my designs are going to require some wee tiny endmills and ball mills to get the detail level that i want..

one of my setups requires a 1/32 endmill, i found a few on the net, but would like your suggestions where to look for good tools and affordable prices... i'm going to be working with some delrin blocks, wood, and alum, but would like to focus on the plastics and alum for now... what do you suggest? i'm figuring 2 flute to allow for better chip evac, but then theres the 4 flute better finish to consider...

and for finishing work, do you suggest a ballmill or endmill? I'm very inexperienced in milling, and i'm not sure what to expect from either.. i have a set of hss endmills, but thier all way too large for the details..

some of the things that i want to make are sign blocks, where the letters are raised 1/8-1/4 inch above the background..

i would also like to take a couple pictures that i have and 3d machine them out of alum...

beings that i'm using an x3 conversion.. my spindle speed is limited, so i was also wondering if it would be better to hang something like a trim router off the head to get better spindle speeds...

suggestions, ideas?