I don’t want to output the tool retraction clause after milling before tool change, because the relieve motion is output with a routine in PP (N150 – N154)

N145 G1 X290
N146 G1 X308
N147 G40
N148 G1 Y-9.799

N149 G0 Z20 M9 <--- this clause

N150 G0 Z100
N151 G74 Z-230 L1
N152 G7
N153 G93 X0 Y0 Z0
N154 T3 M6 S265 F90 (SCHLICHTFRAESER D=30 / R=15)

I also had to insert a query in PP that reads over this call after tool change:

gcode = 0
call @gen_nb
if print_gcode eq true
{[' X'xpos], [' Y'ypos], [' Z'zpos]}



Unfortunately I don’t understand how exactly this query has to look.

Who can help me?

