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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    i have a dyna myte 3000 lathe. and while i have another program that will send files to it i'd like the old dynacom.exe program. call it curiosity or whatever i would like to try this software and see what it has to offer. i am aware that it only runs on a 386 or 486 computer. i think i have a way around that, maybe two.

    if i get a copy of the program i'd offer up a package with it and either a dos emulator of virtual machine that could be run on an average modern computer with minimal setup.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Daniel, I did find the exe . I cant figure out how to send it to you. Gmail keeps catching it.
    A lazy man does it twice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Would it be possible to get a copy of the program for the DM3000?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Check google drive. It didnt error out
    A lazy man does it twice.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Did you get it?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    A lazy man does it twice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    oh, sorry i did get it. have been busy a couple days. it works! runs in dosbox with zero setup!. haven't run it with the machine. i was expecting more, the machine has a "simulate mode" that seems to want to upload information to a computer. the way it is described in the manual sounds like a backplot feature to visualize the tool path. but perhaps it is just a second way to upload the program to a computer, or maybe it was a planned feature that didn't turn into reality. one way or another i can spy on the com port and see what it sends at the end of the program so i can maybe get my machine to not freeze every time i send a program.

    looking at the Qbasic code in my manual that is supposed to be a simple "communication package" it's like they kept changing their minds about things. very odd. it lets you make a choice about the 3 different download modes in the machine or upload, then the choice is meaningful beyond the surface it sends the program to different points, but all those points get sent back to the same loop that sends the program to the machine and it always escapes that loop in the same way, then there are several sections somewhat after each of the sections your "choice" sends you to that seem to be code to end the sending of the program but it's all identical and outside of any loop that the program could ever reach. it's like useless code, they planed it to work in some way and set it up to work then just skipped it all but never cleaned up the code. this program on the other hand only has one choice to send the program seemingly proving that there is only way to send programs, so i guess the machine alone determines when lines transfer, when they don't by using the hardware flow control so line execute (drip feed) is no different on the pc from sending the program in any other mode.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I will be waiting to hear how it worked with the lathe.
    A lazy man does it twice.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    fastest1 can you send me the link to google drive and the file...and YES I am crossing my fingers that the whole things works... I really hate to hack up my machine...it is pristine..

    Big Chipin, spreading tha cheese, I be Big Chipin for days!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Understood about the desire to keep it original. Mine too was pristine after the initial clean up. Info on the lathe was even more scarce then and my knowledge level was even less than it is now. Oddly enough there is always things to learn in this endeavour. I will send you a link to the drive.
    A lazy man does it twice.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    here is what mine looks like . You just do not find them in this type of shape much anymore. it has cosmoline still on the ways in places. Used VERY LITTLE

    Attachment 298406

    Attachment 298408

    Attachment 298410

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	dm3000 c.jpg 
Views:	10 
Size:	275.6 KB 
ID:	298412
    Big Chipin, spreading tha cheese, I be Big Chipin for days!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    my only complaint about the machine other than the interface is the noisy steppers i think it has basic chopper drives that full step. i may do a conversion so that i'll have some resonance damping modern drives but want it to be functional in the mean time. if i do a conversion i might keep the gear drives and factory steppers which takes some planning because if the steps needed for a certain amount of feed are too high it can be hard to produce the high step rates from the controller to signal the stepper drivers to go at a fast rapid. for that reason gecko drives are probably out of the question because the micro stepping rate isn't configurable, although linux cnc with a mesa fpga "everything i/o" card can produce some high step rates which could make it usable. if the conversion ends up being a reality it will be 100% easily reversible

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I was running 101,000 steps per unit. Hard to get much speed with that kind of signal. I built a belt drive system to lessen the steps required. And I changed the steppers and run an MX3660.
    A lazy man does it twice.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    a full step on the stock motors (100 steps/rev vs 200 for conventional motors) is .0025mm or just about a 1/10th thousandth. that's the same as a one step pulse on my mill with gecko drives. i've had the mill going over 200ipm with the steps generated through the parallel port of a budget amd a6 motherboard. with a mesa card linuxcnc can generate the pulses faster but it may depend on the motherboard. as long as you are using drivers that aren't locked into a certain microstepping rate it can work just fine. even with micro stepping preset on the gecko boards the fpga card can potentially step at a frequency that exceed the inputs on any stepper driver i've seen. at the 200khz that many digital drivers advertise and 10 microsteps/step you could still travel ~118ipm, at least in theory. the chips on the mesa cards are far superior to the step buffers used with mach or flashcut or other solutions. now i don't actually expect to get reliable 200k step rates but i don't expect to use 10 microsteps at 101,600 pulses per inch either. i'd more likely use half steps or no more than 1/6 steps, the minimum it would take to quiet the motors. the drivers offered by kelling are probably a good choice.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    back on topic. the dynacom program will run in dosbox, a dos emulator aimed at playing old games. you need to do some configuration to get actual use of the serial port but it does have that support for old joysticks. dosbox can be downloaded here DOSBox, an x86 emulator with DOS

    it should run on mac, bsd, linux or whatever but i've only tested it with dynacom on the pc. i may test with linux in the future but don't own a mac.

    run the installer then you will need to decide on a folder to contain dynacom.exe and your programs. i suggest to create one because the dynacom seemed to have trouble opening files when there were too many files in the folder. to use my .config file create the folder as "C:\dyna". once dynacom.exe is in C:\dyna you will have to edit the dosbox .config file. where this is located will depend on the operating system. in windows it can be easily found from the start menu as "dosbox 0.74 options" or "edit config". or you can navigate to "C:\Users\<your login name>\AppData\DOSBox\dosbox-0.74.conf" for windows 7 or above. in windows xp its "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\DOSBox\dosbox-0.74.conf"

    you will need to edit the serial section to get function of the serial port. for com1 change "serial1=dummy" to "serial1=directserial realport:com1"

    you might also need to edit the cpu section. the typical 486 was 33mhz. the budget "sx" model was 25mhz and the performance dx models could be anything from 66-133mhz. i set mine to cputype=486_slow and cycles=fixed 3300 which should represent 33mhz but dosbox kinda guesses what the program needs and will try to pick a safe setting. it was running previously without this configuration.

    at the bottom of the .conf file there is a autoexec section. this is where you can pre mount your dyna folder. "mount c c:\dyna" for example. or if you have you folder easily located on the desktop it would be "mount c c:\Users\<your login name>\Desktop\<name of your folder>"

    my .conf file is linked below. if you used the same path for your dynacom and programs you can just paste it over your own.

    once it's setup you can launch DOSBox where it will navigate to z:\ but c:\dyna is mounted to c:\. change to the c drive by typing "c:\" and open dynacom.exe by typing "dynacom" or simply "c:\dynacom" you will have to set the machine type and com port. press "alt+m" to navigate to the machine and press 3 for dm 3000 or h for 3000h or use the keyboard to navigate and press enter on the highlighted selection. press "alt+s" for setup then c for com and the keyboard arrows to select com1. if your computer for some reason names the serial port something other than com1 then you will have to make the .conf file reflect this. you might find this information in the device manager under control panel in windows. to launch device manager i won't get into the windows 8 interface, you may use the search engines in your windows version or you can press the windows key+r for the run box then type "mmc devmgmt.msc" it should show the com number next to the port in parentheses. i believe that "serial1=" represent com1 in the emulator and "realport:com1" represents the true com port number in the os. edit this to represent the name of the serial port as windows sees it.

    anyone that needs the dynacom.exe file it can be found here

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    so you are saying you are going to be able to convert Gcode with he dynacom and load into the machine?

    are you aware of Fusion 360 for the lathe cad/cam? It is free and they will make us a post for the DM3000

    I found this vid on youttube ..the user says he is using Fusion 360 also .. he has the H model..read his description notes int he video


    thanks for the info also...keep results coming please
    Big Chipin, spreading tha cheese, I be Big Chipin for days!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    that's the idea but i'm still waiting for the post processor. i have a dyna language mill post processor and it's mostly the same but it's hard to figure out how to convert it to lathe output. the only real difference i see between the mill posts and lathe posts is the spindle section. if they don't get back to me with a dyna language post in the next week or two i might attempt to create one. i'm not great with the java code the posts are written in and their documentation doesn't have anything on lathe requirements vs mill requirements... i was going to do it on my own but it would be all guess work disecting other posts and trying to infer meaning from things there is no documentation on..

    the model h has g-code in the manual. the 3000 may take g-code but i had other problems to work through and one of them is that the machine only takes 16 byte instructions. that would be limiting in g-code since certain things require all the information in one line. the post would have to be written slightly differently from a normal fanuc machine to give you some room in those 16 bytes like having a line containing g1 and only g1 then the coordinates on the next line. it would also mean no comments and maybe other things. you might not be able to use radius moves instead using short linear approximations...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    will the fanuc generic post in Fusion 360 work and the dynacom convert it to the language it needs to for the lathe to work and the 16 characters per line also? I thought that was what dynacom was supposed
    to do.

    You have got farther with this than anyone else ad I think you are very close to solving this and I appreciate you for doing so
    Big Chipin, spreading tha cheese, I be Big Chipin for days!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    it doesn't appear to but i can test it. maybe after work tomorrow. the program seems like a simple dnc program and might not be needed at all. i suspect the model h has updated firmware that i don't have. but if you have had the chip reflashed you might. i'd like to see someones code who is running g-code through a 3000h. i want to know if the program is numbered, how it's numbered (n numbers or just 3 digits like dyna code?), how the lines are delimited, is there a ";" like on a fanuc? or is it delimited like a traditional text file as the dyna code is? it's all these little details that would mean the difference between a working dnc and post processor package or not.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    i wonder how i could tell what version software i have in my controller????

    the guy in the youtube vid says he is using a aha controller....dont know what that is is...but maybe he would give us some info on his setup and maybe you his post processor and some code
    Big Chipin, spreading tha cheese, I be Big Chipin for days!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    i dunno. anyway i posted a question on that video, maybe i'll get an answer that would help make a working post for bobcad or anything else for that matter. we could only hope that there is infact g code support in the machine like there is in the 3000h. the bobcad posts are pretty simple to edit for g-code output.

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