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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > BobCad-Cam > BobCAD V22 crashing, anyone have any clues to resolution?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    BobCAD V22 crashing, anyone have any clues to resolution?

    Hey there everyone,

    I've got an issue, a client of mine is running BobCAD v22 on a system & it's really unstable. Brand new Core2 duo, 2gb ram, Win Xp Pro sp3, No AV software ( it's a stand alone machine ) all current patches for windows, and BobCAD keeps crashing.

    I have played with the VM settings in windows, Turned windows defender off, even tried compatability mode for win2k for the executable, but it will still crash.

    After all my playing around, it seems somewhat more stable, but it's still not what i'd call good enough for a commercial machine shop enviroment.

    Anyone have any thoughts? It's very hard to find anything useful in the BobCAD forums on their site.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    What is the Build number? Help Menu-About BobCad.

    What are the circumstances of a crash? Can you elaborate?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Sorry dude,

    I should have recorded the build number. I will grab it asap, it's on a clients machine @ their site.

    Doing just about anything in BobCad causes it to crash - it was crashing every 10mins, now i've got it out to being stable to about 25mins, but still causing issues. Event log on the pc has BobCad.exe crashing, no version info, nothing else logged, such as a module or dll in the message.

    There's occasionally also a log of BobCad crashing with a file nvg something crashing, i can't remember the whole lot, but i'll record it next time i'm at site, which should be soon.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Ok I'll look for more info from you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    You need to download and install the 1137 build for the V22. You can find this on BobCAD's website.

    You also want to check the video driver.

    run dxdiag and it will tell you if the driver needs to be updated check the date on the drive and if it's a few years old then you need to download new video drivers.

    Also you would want to turn the auto save off. This is most likely causing the crashing you are talking about.

    When you run the V22 1137 build you might want to clear your registry of the BobCAD V22. Folder, this way before you install the new version no old setting will carry over.

    Also don't use the update, use the full install.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Allen123 ->

    Thanks for the reply. It's a new machine, DX 10, Latest Nvidia driver pack for the video card (as in last week). The pc is not online, it's a stand alone pc, otherwise i'd have remote access to it & i'd be able to work on it more often (as i don't have to spend 40mins traveling to site to do that).

    I'll give turning off the auto save feature a shot, if that doesn't work, I'll look around for the 1137 build & download it, then i'll clean out the reg & install it.

    Thanks for the suggestion about auto save - this may be the key. BobCad is installed on another machine in the workshop, still a XP box, but DX9 & what was latest video drivers at the time. Std BobCad install, nothing changed & it's stable as a rock, surprisingly! (chair)



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