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Thread: mazak users

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    mazak users

    are there any other mazak users on this sight. new to the sight, and heard there was a lot of good info here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes..... there are many.... Welcome!

    It's just a part..... cutter still goes round and round....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I manage 3 Mazak SQT lathes with Mazatrol T Plus every day. Welcome to the site!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    its good to know that we are not all alone in the world.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I have a love/hate relationship with an SQT-250M, 640T.

  6. #6
    Im a virgin to Mazaks, I will be starting my new job on the 19th working with only Mazak VMCs.

    Kind of nervis, ive worked with G and M codes but never mazatral.

    Any tips for a guy like me?

    The machines are all newer (oldest 3 years old)

    Thy say I will learn how to program and run all of them, all 32 of them.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Good luck!

    Mazatrol reads different than G-code but remember that the mazaks actually run a G-code program in the background.

    The conversational interface is converted to a G-code program that you never see.

    The machine needs to know everything that a G-code machine needs to know, the question is where the information is located.

    Become familiar with the tool data page and the tool file. The tool data page is obvious but the tool file often overlooked.

    Any tool that you create in a mazatrol program must be named in the tool file first with the most important and overlooked information being the depth of cut. If you set the depth of cut wrong you will either take way to deep a cut in a circle milling unit or you will become familiar with the mazalarm "feature" with the "Z depth too large" alarm.

    In a circle milling unit if you wish to take multiple Z level passes the only control is to create multiple units specifying a new z level or you can set the max depth of cut in the tool file to the desired max depth.

    when you are using the same tool in a line unit if you wish to take a deep cut and the max depth in the tool file is set lower than the Z depth specified by you in the line unit you will get the "Z depth too large alarm".

    It's all there , the key is to get as familiar with where the information is stored and how to manipulate it as you can right off the start.

    As for the programs you will want to read the manuals and become familiar with the XY plane check feature for quick checking shapes in a specific unit.

    There is also the "Mazalie" component of mazatrol to go along with the "mazalarm" feature. Basicly the sooner you learn to "lie" to mazatrol the easier life will be.

    Oh, I almost forgot "DEPTH-Z" isn't always the depth, sometimes it's the radial width and there are other misleading settings within the units that you need to become familiar with. And the "lead line" isn't always fully relevant in that changing the information in the first line will not necessarily change the cut. It's the information in the tool line that MUST be change to modify the cut, unless of course you are using a unit that needs the information in the lead line changed which is sometimes but not always the case or relevant unless your "lying", sort of.

    BTW, have fun.


    PS. offset units are a great way to Z up for a dry run which is a great way to see how mazatrol has interpreted your inputs even after you have run a tool path. You can also insert an end unit anywhere in the program to test the program out without having to complete the program or load all the tools.

    As an edit I'd like to add that mazatrol is basicly all "canned cycles" your just giving it the info it needs to set them up.

    As an additional edit I highly recommend a really good look at the parameters manual. Lots of the "how does it Know?" questions are answered by a parameter setting.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    [QUOTE=Any tips for a guy like me?[/QUOTE]

    Hopfully, you'll have someone who is good at it to train you. Also, don't forget what you already know about CNC machining. Typically most people who go from standard G-code programming to Mazatrol find it different in the beginning and ultimatly simplistic once mastered, at from the standpoint of programming on the shop floor. Another thing to concider is that although Mazatrol is capable of very complex geometry it really was designed for shop flooor use and is easier to use for less complex parts. Most all Mazaks have the ability to use both G-code(eia/iso) and Mazatrol for this very reason. Complex 3D profiling etc. is done with CAM software off line and posted as G-code. Anyhow good luck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    A bunch of Mazaks at our location.

    Mazatrol will not do everything that G-Code can do.

    It has it's limitations.
    Wayne Hill

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    i am a mazatrol guy. and the only thing i cant do in mazatrol is 3d work, and engraving.(nuts) everything else gets done in mazatrol.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I'm glad I've found this site. I will try to spend some time here, but I've found that at work I don't have time to post replys, then at home I don't have the books to answer questions. But you guys are cool. Kind of like you do this stuff for a living.

    Mazaks I play with:

    Multiplex 4200
    Some other one that is new, I don't need to mess with it much (Yet)
    We have a few machining centers, but those are at the other plant.

    Anyway, lunch is over...learn with you all later.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Help with program format!

    We have a mazak AJV 35/60 that we are trying to program, I have a post processor for Ez-cam, but thats not the problem, we also have a wireless dnc setup but what we really need is a way to get the comment data in the right place on the display so as it will transmit programs. I think?

    I can program (at least I try) in edit mode eia/iso format but not sure as to how g-code is needed to be layed out.

    The above is needed to call a program? I Think.
    It is actually saved as a work #5556 used to call program # 6323.
    And just change whatever program needed in parenthesis?

    I hope somebody else knows what I,m talking about!
    or is there a different format as to how and what it needs to be layed out!

    I'm working with the dnc people but I not sure if they have a sample call program that would help!

    Thanks, dazed and confused!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    post for a M-32 mazatrol control using Gibbs Cam

    Hello Guys

    i have a bit of a problem using the Posts that we have to run our
    Mazak H630N Machine. It has a 1deg rotary pallet changer on it and i can't find a good post that will out put pallet changes and all the good stuff. i have to always edit the programs on the machine for all the B-Axis indexing as well as all the pallet changes etc. it is a pain.

    Also do any of you guys know what the memory size is for this control? or would it have been an options when the machine was bought originally? it is a 1993 H630N. the manuals we got is very vague on the size of program you can load into the thing. also is there a DNC option that will work on this machine? all the programming we will be doing with this machine will be G-code or
    eia/iso. i'm very new with mazak machines and mazatrol, so for now ill stick to g-code. Any suggestions as to things i should check or watch out for on the Horizontal? checks on the used machine etc
    All my prior experience have been on vertical CNC mills. mainly Fadal VMC.

    any suggestions are appreciated and welcomed, I'm pretty green with this machine.



  14. #14

    Mazak Users

    Hay YA mazak Users

    I thought i was the only one in this world

    the company i work for has just a few mazaks, We run around 30 Mazaks i think.. not sure im looseing count
    have the full shop of 3axis mills and lathes
    also have 3 intagrexs one of witch is the biggest in the southern hemphere..
    also run x4 4 axis hoizontals...
    all of witch run M32 to fusion 640 and and even the new matrix systems

    good to see there are more out there..i dont think that there are many down in little old NZ


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    too young

    rs, I am having my first contact with mazatrol, i have no clue how to program for the mazak, jus doing G code yet, we also have some other machines like MILTRONICS, HURCO, DAH-LIH (FANUC), CINCINNATI, only in the hurco I program without type G code... can anybody help with the mazatrol (it looks fantastic system)?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    if you need a hand, we will try to help. what control is it? do you have the manuals?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Oh Yeah, 23 years and counting, t2, t32, tplus, t32-3, ms, msy, 640t, m2, m32, 640m, and matrix, on qt-15, qt-25, sqt15, sqt18, qt250, qt350, v655, v550, h630, vtc16, ajv60-80, h60-160, ajv18, vqc, integrex400, h6800, hmmm......and probably a few i forgot. (ps...qt28).

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    MAZAK SQT 250 MS

    Hi guys,

    I think im in the right place to talk MAZAK?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Question ?

    Does anyone know of a company looking for a nice condition Mazak SQT 250 MS?

    If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Smile Mazatrol

    :banana:I've been mazatrolling for almost 23 yrs. now, and have programmed and run almost every conversational mazak known to man.

    Enjoy! once you figure out how to talk to the machine, you will rarely go back to gcode.


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